Make sure something about the start of class gets into the weekly email; consider linking to how to be a good angel Advice to 'Angels'.
You'll want to update the Sign-In Form with the correct year and make sure the responses show up somewhere you can see them. If you recreate it, the sign in sheet should include name, email, name on badge (nickname), association with MIT/Tech Squares, and how they heard about us.
You'll also want to update the week 1 handout/intro form-sheet. It is currently a .tex file in the athena locker called class-overview (/mit/tech-squares/doc/lessons/) You should update it. It is also linked to on the lessons page of the website (tech-squares.mit.edu/lessons/), you should make sure that the copy on the website updates as well (talk to another officer if you need help with this).
- Take this chance to get anyone who hasn't signed up yet to sign up.
- Then give out the intro sheet and talk through it. Offer week 1 definitions to people who are interested.
- There's some other shpiels you can give – try searching for "week one talks" in the Tech Squares officers Google Drive
- There's some other shpiels you can give – try searching for "week one talks" in the Tech Squares officers Google Drive
- If PE credit is being offered, the PE instructor will want to talk to PE.
- Introduce yourself & all class assistants