Instructions on configuring FileMaker to connect to the Libraries FileMaker server.
FileMaker 12
From the Launch Center From the Quick Start page click Browse..., then Remote...
If you have chosen to hide the Quick Start pagehave closed the Launch Center
Go to File then Open Remote which opens the Launch Center
Make sure you are on the Host tab:
- In the left pane of the Launch Center Favorite Hosts are selected--- Click Add... +
- Type in the host's internet address (use all lower case characters to prevent connection issues)
- Leave Type Lib-FileMaker in the Favorite Host's Name box empty
- Click Save.
This will put LibLibfm-FileMaker 1 as a permanent entry into your Favorite Files (Remote) liston the Hosts tab of the Launch Center. Clicking on LibLibfm-FileMaker 1 in the left pane will show all databases available on the server in the right pane. Choose a database and click Open.
FileMaker 9, 10 or 11
From the Quick Start page click Browse..., then Remote...
If you have chosen to hide the Quick Start page go to File then Open Remote
- Change the 'View:' option to Favorite Hosts
- Click Add...
- Type in the host's internet address
- Type Lib-FileMaker-1 in the Favorite Host's Name box
- Click Save.
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Libraries Technology BasicsThis will put Lib-FileMaker-1 as a permanent entry into your Favorite Files (Remote) list. Clicking on Lib-FileMaker-1 in the left pane will show all databases available on the server in the right pane. Choose a database and click Open.