To view and reconcile unbillable charges, click Go for "Manage Unbillables" on the billing period home page first and then at the next page , then click Go button for "Reconcile Unbillables" on the next page. " You will then see a data grid with all unbillable charges listed individually. You can also choose to group unbillable charges by one or several charge attributes. When you group on a set of attributes, all charges matching those attributes are displayed as one row in the data grid, and the import cost value is a sum of all the costs for all of those charges. For example, if there are 10 charges lab identity "cylee1" with supervisor "Strano" and you group by lab identity and supervisor, you will see one row for all of those charges, with the import cost field for that row showing the import cost for all of those charges added together. The screenshot directly below shows the unbilllable charges data grid grouped by all available attributes.
When the charges are not grouped, you can reconcile charges individually. If you group the charges you can then reconcile all charges represented in a row at once by clicking the arrow for that row . All of the matching charges would then be reconciled to the same cost object number. Below is a screenshot of the reconcile charges dialog box. In this case, based on the current grouping, submitting the form for the selected row means you will be reconciling 36 8 individual charges.