*Project abstract:* Austin Oehlerking (Mechanical Engineering '08) conducted a study on electricity use in dorm rooms as a project for the course _2.571 Measurement and Instrumentation{_}during the spring semester of 2008. He measured the electricity consumption of 18 dorm rooms in German House, an MIT living group, over the span of four weeks. Each room was measured for 24 hours. The average demand per student was 65.08 watts. The top three electricity consumers contributed over 50% of the electricity consumption. More results and conclusions can be found in his report abstract (on the web) and full report \[pdf\|\^oehlerkingelectricity.pdf\].(pdf). Wiki Markup
Contact: Austin Oehlerking (aoehlerk@mit.edu)
- Final Report (pdf)
- Abstract (on the web)
Recommendations for future work: