Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin



NumberTitleActionAdditional Information
1Materials Filter
  • Filters Materials table by material name.


Add New Material
  • Adds a new material.
3Instructor / Student View
  • Toggles instructor and student view.
  • Reorder folders.
  • Reorder materials within a single folder.
45Import / Export / Import Materials
  • Export Import and import export Materials:
    1. Download Assignments Overview XLS - Export Materials as a zip.
    2. Upload Assignments Overview XLS - Import Materials zip.
    3. Import Stellar Content zip - Import Stellar materials
56Compact / Expanded View
  • Toggle the expanded / compact views.
67Select All Materials
  • Selects all materials to:
    1. Delete
    2. Flag as Staff Only (Hide) - Materials will only be viewable by Staff
    3. Un-flag as Staff Only (Show) - Materials will be viewable by students.
78Edit / Delete Material
  • Edit a material:
    1. Content (URL, file, entered HTML).
    2. Title
    3. Summary
    4. Folder
    5. Tag
    6. Visibility
    7. Post to Calendar On
    8. Copyright Material
  • Delete a material.
89Filter Materials By Class and/or Sections
  • Only Visible when a course has one or more .
    Filter materials by:
    1. Class and Sections - Materials from the class and each section will be displayed.
    2. Class Only - Only materials marked "Class" will be displayed.
    3. Sections - Only materials from the selected section will be displayed.
910Filter By Type
  • Filter materials by type:
    1. URL - material is a URL.
    2. Files - material is an uploaded file.
    3. HTML Documents - material is entered via the editor.
1011Filter / Group By folder
  • Group materials by:
    1. Folder - materials will be displayed by folder.
    2. Tag - materials will be displayed by tag.
    3. No Grouping - materials will have no


  1. Click  (2) from the Materials Table. The Add Materials form will display. Required fields are marked with *.
  2. Fill in the Add Material form:
    1. *Material Type - the type of material.
      1. Upload File - select a file to upload. Please note: there is a file size limit of 250 MB.
      2. Create Document - enter material content via en editor.
      3. URL - material will link to an online resource.
    2. *Title - title of the material.
    3. Summary - description of the material.
    4. Class or Section - whether the material should be posted as a class or section material. This option only appears if the course has created one or more Sections.
    5. Folder - which folder the material will be listed under. See Working with Folders.
    6. Tag - tags include: syllabus, lecture note, reading, etc. The Materials table can be sorted by tag.
    7. Visibility- when and if the material will be displayed to students.
      1. Show - the material will be displayed to students.
      2. Hide - the material will be displayed to staff only.
      3. Release On - the material will be hidden to students until the specified date.
    8. Post to Calendar On - choose the date the material will be listed in the calendar.
    9. Copyrighted Material - checking the copyright checkbox will mark the material as Restricted Use. When the material is accessed, the user will be prompted with a copyright disclaimer. More information about the copyright policy can be found here.
      1. Work Title - the title of the copyrighted material.
      2. Author - the author of the copyrighted material.
      3. Citation - the citation for the copyrighted material.
  3. Click Add Material.


  1. Click the (7icon for the material you intend to edit.
  2. The Add Material form will be displayed. See Adding a MaterialMaterials.
  3. Make the desired changes.
  4. Click the checkmark to save your changes.


Importing and Exporting Materials

Importing From Stellar

Materials and homework from both Stellar and Learning Modules can be imported into a your current Learning Modules site. There are two ways to import from a previous course. The appropriate method is based on which term you are importing from.

For instructions on importing from 'Classic' Stellar sites from more than 2 years ago see: alternate import instructions.

Importing from any Learning Modules course or from a 'Classic' Stellar site from the last 2 years

Image Added

Steps to import:

  1. Click Image Added (5). The importer tool will display.
  2. Select the desired options from the three drop downs:
    1. Term - The term of the course you wish to import from. By default, this will display the previous term the current course was offered.
    2. Department - The department of the course you wish to import from. By default this will display the department of the current course.
    3. Class - The course number. By default this will display the current course number (if it existed in the previous term).
  3. Once you have selected the desired course, click Select Class.
  4. A list of importable materials and homework assignments will be displayed.
  5. Select a destination for imported materials.
  6. Click Image Added
classic import
classic import
Importing from a 'Classic' Stellar site from more than 2 years ago

Before importing materials from Stellar to Learning Modules, you will need to export the Stellar Zip file. Please see the above steps.

7001200Materials - Importing and Exporting - 02.mp4true

Toggle Cloak
Click Here to watch a video on how to import from Stellar.

7001200Materials - Importing and Exporting - 02.mp4true

The first step to importing from Stellar is to export the class materials from the Stellar course you wish to import from:


Once you have exported the ZIP to your local machine, return to the Materials module and:

  1. click Image RemovedClick Image Added(45).
  2. Select Import Stellar Content ZIP from the dropdownThe Stellar Importer will be displayed.
  3. Click Choose File and select the ZIP file you exported from Stellar.
  4. Click Upload

Importing From LMOD (previously exported ZIP file)
  1. click Image Removed Image Added(4).
  2. Select Import Materials ZipZIP and choose an exported zip file to upload. 
  3. Confirm.
