Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
  • GET: getWorksetCOHeader
  • GET: getWorksetScenario: input parms: piKey (opt), returns default workset and and forecast keys for a PI
  • GET: checkWorksetCache
  • PUT: populateWorksetCache: input parms: scenarioKey, worksetKey, output: success/fail
  • DELETE: deleteWorksetCache: input parms: scenarioKey, output: success/fail
  • GET: getBiCalendar
  • GET: getBalance/getBalOne: input parms: worksetKey (req), costObjectKey (opt) if costObjectKey is provided, then the call returns balances for a single costobject ONLY
  • GET: getWorksetPeopleLines | getWorksetExpenseLines | getWorksetExpenseSumm: lineitem_id is omitted | input parms: worksetKey (req), granularity (req if glcategory_id == 'CRAFT-1' --> M = Monthly, S = Semester, FY = Fiscal Year, AY = Academic Year, Y = Calendar Year, CY = Current Year), startDate (opt), endDate (opt), output: array of expense line, NOTE: glcategory_id == 'CRAFT-0' gives 'all expenses' summary; glcategory_id == 'CRAFT-1' gives people line items
  • POST: (update) expenses (:glcategory_id != 'CRAFT1') - updateExpenseWrk: input parms: worksetKey, costObjectKey, lineItemName, description, startDate, endDate, isRollOff [Y|N], amount, isAmortized [Y|N]
                              people (:glcategory_id == 'CRAFT1') - updatePeopleWrk: input parms: costObjectKey, personnelKey, hrPositionKey, glAccountKey, appointmentKey, granularity, allocation, period
  • PUT: (create expense) updateExpenseWrkColl: lineitem_id is omitted | input parms: worksetKey (req), costObjectCollection (req), lineItemName (req), description (req), startDate (req), endDate (req), isRollOff [Y|N] (req), isAmortized [Y|N] (req)
    costObjectCollection must be a json array in the following format:


        {"costObjectKey": "P2744125-001", "amount": "111"},

        {"costObjectKey": "P2744125-002", "amount": "222"}

    (create people – :glcategory_id == 'CRAFT-1') addPeopleWrkColl: lineitem_id is omitted | input parms: personnelKey, hrPositionKey, glAccountKey, appointmentKey, granularity, period, allocationCollection must be a json array in the following format:


        {"costObjectKey": "P2744125-001", "allocation": "50"},

        {"costObjectKey": "P2744125-002", "allocation": "50"}


  • DELETE: deleteExpenseWrk | deletePeopleWrk (:glcategory_id == 'CRAFT1') | revertPeopleWrk (glcategory_id == 'CRAFT1' && revert == 'Y)
  •  GET: getExpSubtotal/getExpSubOne | getPeopleSubtotal: input parms: worksetKey (req), granularity (req if glcategory_id == 'CRAFT-1' --> M = Monthly, S = Semester, FY = Fiscal Year, AY = Academic Year, Y = Calendar Year, CY = Current Year), startDate (opt), endDate (opt), costObjectKey (opt) if costObjectKey is provided, then the call returns subtotals for a single costobject ONLY

getWorkset: output: Scenario Key, Workset Key, described in RAFTTHREE-605.

getCalendar: GET, returns calendar data, described in

addExpenseLine : POST, input parms, scenarioKey, worksetKey, GLCat, Name (default:GlCat), startDate, endDate, rollsOff [Y|N], amortize [Y|N], Single Cost Object Key, returns speculationId (expense line key)

upDateExpenseLine : PUT, input parms, speculationId,scenarioKey, worksetKey, GLCat, Name (default:GlCat), startDate, endDate, rollsOff [Y|N], amortize [Y|N], Single Cost Object Key, returns status

deleteExpenseLine : DELETE, speculationId, returns status

getExpenseLines :  GET,  input parms: Scenario, Budget, Workset, GL category, startDate,endDate, output: array of expense line

Call: (TBD)


Sample: (TBD)



getExpenseLines - Response JSON


commitWorksetForecast :

  1. getWorkset, input parms: Scenario Key, Workset Key; output: success/fail
  2. populateWorksetCache, input parms: Scenario Key, Workset Key, output: success/fail
  3. deleteWorksetCache, input parms: Scenario, output: success/fail
  4. addExpenseLine,POST, input parms, scenarioKey, worksetKey, GLCat, Name (default:GlCat), startDate, endDate, rollsOff [Y|N], amortize [Y|N],[Cokey:Val, CoKey2:val2....], returns speculationId (expense line key)
  5. upDateExpenseLine PUT, input parms, speculationId,scenarioKey, worksetKey, GLCat, Name (default:GlCat), startDate, endDate, rollsOff [Y|N], amortize [Y|N],[Cokey:Val, CoKey2:val2....],, returns status
  6. deleteExpenseLine, DELETE, speculationId, returns status

getExpenseLines input parms: Scenario, Budget, Workset, GL category, startDate,endDate, output: array of expense line






{ data:


 COST_COLLECTOR_KEY: "P6923933-001",

COST_COLLECTOR_NAME: "Computing On Encrypted Data: Theory And"
COST_COLLECTOR_KEY: "P6923932-001",
COST_COLLECTOR_NAME: "Nonparametric Representations For Integr"
COST_COLLECTOR_KEY: "P6926990-001",
COST_COLLECTOR_NAME: "Fabricated Equipment - Robot Movement Sy"
"speculationName":"Materials and Services",
"glAccountName":"Materials and Services",
"GLCAT_TITLE":"Materials and Services",
"costObjects": [{COST_COLLECTOR_KEY: "P6923933-001", cost: "5,000"},
{COST_COLLECTOR_KEY: "P6926990-001", cost: "0"},
{COST_COLLECTOR_KEY: "P6923932-001", cost: "12,087"},
"GLCAT_TITLE":"Materials and Services",
"costObjects": [{COST_COLLECTOR_KEY: "P6923933-001", cost: "0"},
{COST_COLLECTOR_KEY: "P6926990-001", cost: "0"},
{COST_COLLECTOR_KEY: "P6923932-001", cost: "0"},
"GLCAT_TITLE":"Materials and Services",
"glAccountName":"Materials and Services",
"GLCAT_TITLE":"Materials and Services",
"costObjects": [{COST_COLLECTOR_KEY: "P6923933-001", cost: "15,000"},
{COST_COLLECTOR_KEY: "P6926990-001", cost: "0"},
{COST_COLLECTOR_KEY: "P6923932-001", cost: "0"},


input parms: scenarioKey, worksetKey, scenarioName, scenarioDescription) returns status

createForecast (meta) (Not needed for May)

updateForecast (meta) (Not needed for May)

deleteForecast (meta) (Not needed for May)



:  input parms: Scenario, Budget, Workset, startDate, endDate, output: array of summary lines for All Expenses tab, 1 line per GL Cat




getExpenseSummary - Response JSON   (This needs review)




: input parms: Scenario, Budget, Workset, GL category, startDate (optional, defaults to workset start Date), endDate (optional, defaults to workset end date), output: array of subtotals, Auth total line only appears when dates are workset begin and end date (because calculated total is based on Auth total minus subtotal lines = calc total )



: input parms: Scenario, Budget, Workset, GL category, startDate (optional, defaults to workset start Date), endDate (optional, defaults to workset end date), output: one map of balances


getNotifications, GET, input parms, object type (expense or people), object id (line item key or pkey), scenario key, worksetkey,

People Calls

getPeopleLines, GET, input parms: Scenario Key, Granularity(months, semesters, fiscal years), start Date, end date

getPeopleSummary, GET, input parms: Scenario Key, Granularity (months, semesters, fiscal years), start Date, end date, budget

getPeopleBalances, GET, input parms: Scenario Key, Granularity (months, semesters, fiscal years),start Date, end date, budget

getGranularitCalendar, GET, input parms: none or TimeFrame(months, semesters, fiscal years)

addPerson, POST, input parms: granularlity, pkey, apptSubtTypeCode, hrpositionKey, co/period allocation collection, startDate and endDAte of current pageset, on/off campus, glAcctKey,

addTBH, POST, input parms:

listTBHS, GET, call CO Forecast version

searchPerson, GET, call CO Forecast version (autocomplete)

updateWorksetAllocation, PUT, input parms: coKey and allocation, scenario key, pkey, apptSubtTypeCode, hrpositionKey,

deletePerson, DELETE, input parms: Scenio Key, personnel key

revertPersonAllocation, input parms: granularity, startDATe and endDATe of current pageset, scenario key, pkey, apptSubtTypeCode, hrpositionKey,, returns ESDS allocation

clearPersonAllocation: input parms: scenario key, pkey, apptSubtTypeCode, hrpositionKey, granularity,