Group Members
Anthony Chen, tchen91@mit.edu
Andrew Cooper, coopera@mit.edu
Ben Stueck, wbstueck@mit.edu
TA: Katrina Panovich, kp@mit.edu
Problem Statement
problem statement
There is a nearly unlimited supply of information regarding restaurants, restaurant ratings, restaurant locations, and menu options on the internet. This information comes from a variety of sources, including sites like Google, Yelp!, GrubHub, and many others. Unfortunately, attempting to sift through this information on a mobile device is extremely tedious. There is simply too much information for such a small screen.
We will solve this problem by creating a mobile application that aggregates data and information from many sources, and then discards unnecessary and complex information. The application will instead only display extremely relevant information. In this way, we can simplify the process of choosing a restaurant for mobile users, and keep the small screen uncluttered.
GR1 - User Observation and Analysis
GR2 -