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Comment: add week one talks entry


Make sure something about the start of class gets into the weekly email; consider linking to how to be a good angel Advice to 'Angels'

You'll want to update the Sign-In Form  with the correct year and make sure the responses show up somewhere you can see them. If you recreate it, the sign in sheet should include name, email, name on badge (nickname), association with MIT/Tech Squares, and how they heard about us.

You'll also want to update the week 1 handout/intro form-sheet. It is currently a google doc, but it might be better to LaTex it in the future. It should include the following:

  • Dates/times of the class
  • Cost (and the fact that financial aid is available)
  • General information on the class and how it works
  • Basic square dance terminology (angel, tip, etc)
  • What to expect
  • Useful Links
  • Who to talk to with concerns
  • List of relevant people (Callers, officers)
  • List of room locations by week

currently a .tex file in the athena locker called class-overview (/mit/tech-squares/doc/lessons/) You should update it. It is also linked to on the lessons page of the website (, you should make sure that the copy on the website updates as well (talk to another officer if you need help with this). 

You'll need the following:

  • Name tags
  • Sharpies
  • PensComputers 
  • Laptops (at least 2, 3 is better - get your assistants to bring theirs)
  • Copies of week 1 definitions definitions - 50 is probably good (also in /mit/tech-squares/doc/lessons/ if you need to edit them, but you probably won't, so you can just print copies off the website)
  • Copies of week 1 handout/intro sheet - 50 is probably good
  • location/arrow signs (Print more from:
  • t-shirts (See also T-shirts)
  • paper

You'll want to be in place at 7:30, with some signs up pointing your way. Take a table and put it outside the room. As people come to the table, try to get a paper list of their names to cross check against the sign up spreadsheet (this is especially useful is someone is late). You'll be able to look up information on them separately if needed. Give t-shirts to MIT students. Then send people into the room to watch. If possible, have a club member inside to chat with them as they watch. 


  • Take this chance to get anyone who hasn't signed up yet to sign up. 
  • Then give out the intro sheet and talk through it. Offer week 1 defintions definitions to people who are interested. 
    • There's some other shpiels you can give – try searching for "week one talks" in the Tech Squares officers Google Drive
  • If PE credit is being offered, the PE instructor will want to talk to PE. 
  • Introduce yourself & all class assistants &Bill
  • Overall schedule (Each week has a 7:30 review session. )
  • Explain how the class differs from other clubs: Speed of learning
  • What are tips?  What are rounds?
  • It's important to dance every class tip
  • How to ask someone to dance; how to find a partner; seek class coordinator or assistant if you can't find a partner
  • Comment on the club being inclusive.
  • (We have asked that people dance only one gender role while learning to dance, but this may have hurt us in some circumstances so I think it may not be wise anymore.)
  • Fees for taking the class.  Encourage subscriptions.
  • Mention that we encourage class to pair with club.