Versions Compared


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Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.

TrackIt - Paper Prototyping

Prototype Photos

First prototype:

Image Added

Image Added

Image Added

Second prototype:

Interface logicThese photos come from the second round of testing, the second prototype that was tested for this assignment:


Below is the briefing text that was given to a test user of TrackIt:


Capture Receipt:

  • Not sure how she user should know to if or when user has to itemize/split
  • User can save receipt for later without attaching, but is unsure how to access that receipt image later on.

Split Receipt:

  • In to Into the depth of this screen, users become confused and often lose track of their task.
  • One user was confused by lack of a confirmation dialog when attaching the receipt.


  • Unclear which button opens the receipt for editing
  • The interface should display the amount actually recorded on system for the receipt.

Edit Receipt

  • Users would like to see the receipt as they edit the amounts. They don't have the physical receipts available to them easily anymore.

Task 4

Show Statistics

  • User is unsure why calculate sum button exists, ; thinks this should just be calculated automatically

Generate Report

  • Generate Report should give the option to display on mobile or send to email.
  • User suggested wording on buttons in modal dialog could be clearer

Prototype Iteration Changes

Here are the changes between the first and second iterations of our prototype:

  • Added a title bar to each screen. The title bar will contain the name of the application and any other buttons expressing functionality.
  • Added the "Back" button to all screens where it is applicable to have such a button.
  • Changed the "View Old Reports" button to "Saved Reports" and moved the button to the title bar.
  • Modify the look of the bottom right button icon on the "Start Screen" screen.
  • Rearranged the "Save for Later", "Create New Report", and "Cancel" buttons to be in the bottom title bar on the appropriate screens.
  • Added an "Attach to Report" button with an accompanying drop-down box on the appropriate screens.
  • Put together the Itemize and Split Receipt actions into one screen.
  • Added the Department text field to the Attach/Create Report screen.
  • Forced all date fields to be drop-down menus.
  • Changed all "Save and Close" buttons to be labeled as "Save for Later."
  • Added a button for a thumbnail viewer for the "Look at Old Receipts" button.
  • Switched around the Approve and Cancel buttons on the "Send Repot" screen.
  • Changed the text on the "Capture Receipt" screen to be more clear for the user to understand.