- ID3 (RWSW)
- MPEG-21 (ND)NDM)
MPEG-21 seeks to define "the technology needed to support Users to exchange, access, consume, trade and otherwise manipulate Digital Items in an efficient, transparent and interoperable way." It is mostly pertinent to commercial distribution of video or multimedia content. We agreed that it's good to be aware of it, but it is not of immediate use for us.
- AES (FL)
- AudioMD
- PBCore
- MPEG-7
- bit-depth (bits per sample)
- sampling rate (kHz)
- compression method (codec)
- number of channels (mono, stereo, or higher)
- digital coding method
Audio preservation standards documents
Audio Formats
Audio formats have not yet been discussed
Markup Languages
- MusicXML is a markup language -- a method of digitally encoding and distributing a music score. It is, essentially, a form of music notation. Interesting but not relevant to metadata for audio files.
Digital Audio Projects
- Seattle Japanese POW Oral Histories
- Safe Sounds audio preservation company
- Project Jukebox in Alaska (RW)
- Indiana's project (NDM)
Indiana University's Digital Library Program has a great list of standards, guidelines and templates in use for the various formatsrepresented in their projects.
- MIT OpenCourseWare (RW)
- DSpace / DOME (RW)