BEC2: Sodium/Lithium Experiments with Optical LatticesWelcome to the website for BEC 2. BEC2! In this space you will find up to date news, descriptions of our current research topicsour latest experimental results on ultracold fermionic Li-6, highlights of the our lab's history, and more. We will continuously update this site! For an overview of the work of all the Ketterle group, please go to Alkali Quantum Gases @ MIT. Follow the links to other labs in Ketterle group: BEC3 "The Science Chamber" and BEC4/5 "The Rubidium/Lithium Boson Lab". We are part of the Center for Ultracold Atoms , which is a National Science Foundation Physics Frontier Center for ultracold atoms and quantum gases research. Image Added
BEC2 team (March 2017, Supersolid result in MIT news). From left to right: Furkan Çağrı Top, Junru Li, Sean Burchesky, Alan O. Jamison, Wolfgang Ketterle, Boris Shteynas, Wujie Huang, and Jeongwon Lee. Image AddedBEC2 team (October 2015, Wujie's graduation). From left to right: Sean Burchesky, Furkan Cagri Top, Boris Shteynas, Wolfgang Ketterle, Wujie Huang, Junru 6Li. Image Added
BEC2 team (April 2012) from left to right: Wujie Huang, Wolfgang Ketterle, Edward Su, Christian Sanner, Jonathon Gillen and Aviv Keshet. Latest ResultsJanuary 23, 2017: Our paper on the observation of the supersolid stripe phase got accepted by Nature 543, 91 ! October 26, 2016: Our paper on realizing Spin-Orbit coupling in optical superlattices gets published in Physical Review Letter and selected as Editors' Suggestions. Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 185301 (2016). This results paved the way to the realization and the observation of the supersolid stripe phase. August 9, 2011: Our recent spin fluctuation measurements on a repulsive Fermi gas indicate that the itinerant ferromagnetism doesn't occur in such a system. Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 240404 (2012) January 6, 2011: Our paper on Speckle Imaging of spin fluctuations in a strongly interacting Fermi gas gets published in Physical Review Letters. Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 010402 (2011) July 19, 2010: Our paper on suppression of density fluctuations for a degenerate Fermi gas gets published in Physical Review Letter. Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 040402 (2010) This article is selected as Editors' Suggestions, and also see accompanying Physics Viewpoint. Latest NewsWe have built a state of art machine for ultracold fermionic experiments. Here's an overview of our progress: Jan. 2017: Our results on the direct observation of the supersolid stripe phase gets published on Nature 543, 91! Oct. 2016: Our results on the direct observation of the supersolid stripe phase is now on arXiv : 1610.08194 Oct. 2016: Our results about single-particle spin-orbit coupling gets published as Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 185301 (2016)! Sep. 2016: We obtain the first Bragg signal of the long-predicted supersolid stripe phase in a spin-orbit coupling bose-einstein condensate. Jun. 2016: We setup the Bragg scattering and detect the lattice supersolidity in our superlattice system. Feb. 2016: Postdoc Jeongwon Lee joins the lab. Jan. 2016: We stabilize the system and collect the data to demonstrate the single-particle physics for spin-orbit coupling in optical superlattices. Moving towards the stripe phase. Oct, 2015: Wujie Huang is graduated! Congratulations, the thesis archive, etc., go here. |