Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Once you have successfully registered a Touchstone Account, you should now see additional options on the top right of each page.

In addition to the 'Tools' tab, you should now have access to the 'Edit', 'Share', and 'Add' tabs.


For more advanced formatting and content, you can use the 'Insert'>'Other Macros' tool to open the Macro browser. From here there are a number of more sophisticated page layout and navigation tools. For further explanation on how to use these, select the 'Help' button at the top right of the Macro Browserbrowser.

When completing your edits for a page, you may want to use the 'Preview' button before the 'Save' button to ensure that the changes taking places on the page are the changes you intended to make. Additionally, although the changes you made will automatically be recorded, it is good practice to include a brief description of your changes in the 'What did you change?' box at the bottom of the Edit screen.
