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Editing Pages

Wiki Markup
{div:style=width:300px;overflow:hidden;float:left;}{panel:borderStyle=solid\|borderColor=#ddd\|bgColor=#fbfbfb} h2. h2. {color:#800000}{*}Help Contents{*}{color} h1. {pagetree:root=Home\|sort=natural}\\ h3. {color:#800000}{*}Search Wiki Help{*}{color} {livesearch:spaceKey=HELP}{panel}{div} {div:style=overflow:auto;margin-left:10px;min-height:600px;}{panel:borderStyle=solid\|borderColor=#fff\|bgColor=#fff} {panel} {div:float=right} h1. Editing with Rich Text  The Rich Text editor allows you to enter content in they way you would in a word processor. Content is formatted using buttons and icons rather than code. This allows for an faster and easier method of building Wiki pages. The Rich Text editor is the far left-tab in the *'Edit'* screen. Important things to know about Rich Text: * Most macro code is not recognized by the Rich Text editor; all code should be written using Wiki Markup. * You can switch between Rich Text and Wiki Markup without losing your changes. !rich_text_menu.jpg! !table.jpg! Creates a table. !insert_link.jpg! Inserts a link into the page !insert_p.jpg! Inserts an image into the page. You can either attach and insert an image or drag and drop an already attached image. !macro_browser.jpg! Opens the Macro Browser. For more information on see [Using the Macro Browser]. !full_screen.jpg! Displays the editor in full-screen mode. !right_click.jpg! Toggles the context menu. When activated, right click on text to bring up a menu with the following options: ** Insert / Edit Link ** Insert / Edit Image ** Insert / Edit Macro ** Insert Table ** Disable context menu h1. Integrating Office Files {color:#000000}This feature integrates Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, and NeoOffice with the wikis. Users can use Micorsoft Office or OpenOffice to edit a wiki page. Users can also import or attach an Office document and convert the content into wiki format. Attached Office documents can also be edited directly from the wiki using an Office application. This feature supports:{color} * Text documents (.doc) * Powerpoint presentations * Excel spreadsheets In order to use this feature you will need one of the following configurations: || Operating System || Office Software || Browser || | *Windows Vista or WIndows XP with Service pack 1 & 2* | * Open Office 2.x  * Microsoft Office XP, 2003, or 2007 | * Internet Explorer 6 or 7  * Firefox 2.x or 3 | | *Mac OS X* | * NeoOffice | * Firefox 2.x or 3 | | *Linux* | * OpenOffice | * Firefox 2.x or 3 | {note} * *If you are using Firefox, you will need to download an add-on. Firefox will prompt you to do this automatically.* * *If you are using Internet Explorer, you must use Microsoft Office. You cannot edit documents in OpenOffice when paired with Internet Explorer.* {note} h3. h3. Editing a Wiki Page in an Office Application 1. Choose the Wiki page you wish to edit. 2. Open the !tools_menu.jpg! menu. 3. Select !edit_in_word_button.jpg! 4. A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm that you wish to open the Wiki page in an Office application. 5. Click 'ok'. Your Office application will open with the content of the Wiki page as rich text. 6. To save your changes to the wiki, simply save the document. !edit_in_word.jpg! h3. h3. Importing an Office Document into a Wiki Page 1. Choose which wiki page you want to import into. 2. Open the !tools_menu.jpg! menu and select !doc_import.jpg! 3. Click !browse.jpg! or !choose.jpg! and find the document you want to import. 4. Click the !import.jpg! button. 5. Once the document has been imported, it becomes a Wiki page and can be edited using Rich Text or Wiki Markup. This process is also used when importing spreadsheets or presentations. h3. h3. Editing a (Powerpoint) Presentation 1. Open the presentation in the Wikis. You can do this several ways: * Search for the presentation by file name, then click the '*View*' link next to the presentation on the Search results page.  * View the list of attachments for a specific Wiki page, then click the '*View*' link next to the presentation on the Attachments page.  2. Once you are viewing the presentation, click the !edit.jpg! button. It is located on the bottom left of the screen. 3. A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm that you want to open the document. Click *'Ok'*. 4. You will then be prompted to log into your Wiki. Login and click *'Ok'*. 5. The presentation will open in your Office application. Any changes you make will be automatically be saved to your Wiki page when you save the presentation through the application. h3. h3. Editing an Office Spreadsheet in Wikis 1. Open the spreadsheet in the Wikis. You can do this several ways:Search for the Office document by file name, then click the '*View*' link next to the Office document on the Search results page.  * Search for the spreadsheet by file name, then click the '*View*' link next to the spreadsheet on the Search results page. * View the list of attachments for a specific Wiki page, then click the '*View*' link next to the spreadsheet on the Attachments page 2. Move your cursor to the top of the spreadsheet so that the hidden title appears (in this case the spreadsheet is titled _spreadsheet.xls_). \\ !spreadsheet.jpg!. 3. A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm that you want to open the document. Click *'Ok'* 4. You will then be prompted to log into your Wiki. Login and click *'Ok'*. 5.The spreadsheet will open in your Office application. Any changes you make will be automatically be saved to your Wiki page when you save the presentation through the application. h1. Multimedia Content Users can embed multimedia content directly into their Wiki page using the widget macro. The macro supports embedded content from the following sources: || Type of Content || Source || | *Gadgets and Widgets* | Google Gadgets, Widgetbox | | *Video* | Youtube, Myspace Video, Google Video, Yahoo Video, Dailymotion, Episodic, Vimeo, Metacafe,, Viddler | | *Photos and Images* | Flikr, | | *Micro-blogging* | Twitter, Friendfeed, BackType | | *Documents and Presentations* | SlideShare, SlideRocket, Scribd, presenations on Google Docs | | *Calendars* | Google Calendar | | *Forms and Online Databases* | Wufoo HTML Form Builder, Dabble DB | There are two ways to insert the Widget Macro into your page: h5. With the Macro Browser: 1. Open the 'Edit Page' screen. 2. Click the !macro_browser.jpg! icon on the Rich Text toolbar. The Macro Browser will open. 3. Type 'Widget Macro' into the search box at the top right of the Macro Browser window. 4. Fill in the desired parameters and click !insert.jpg!. h5. h5. With Wiki Markup: Type the following code into Wiki Markup to display content: {code}{widget:url=}{code}{note} * *Some content has specific code associated with it. For a full list of these codes and for further information on the Widget macro, click* [*Here*|] {note} h1. The Macro Browser The Macro Browser allows users to search through the various macros available in the Wikis. The Browser also lets users edit the parameters of the  macros and preview them before inserting them into a page. The Macro Browser can be accessed by clicking the !macro_browser.jpg! in the Rich Text or Wiki Markup editor. !macro_browser_window.jpg! h5. h5. Choosing, Editing and Inserting a Macro 1. Open the Macro Browser and find the desired macro. Click on the macro. 2. Fill in the desired parameters on the left hand side of the Macro Browser. Click !refresh.jpg! to preview the macro. {note} * *All parameters with an  asterisk ()  are required and must be filled in before the macro can be inserted into a page or previewed.* {note}3. Click !insert.jpg! to apply the macro to the page. h5. h5. Editing an Existing Macro 1. Choose the macro you wish to edit. 2. Place the cursor anywhere within the curly brackets { } and click the !macro_browser.jpg! icon. 3. Edit the macro and hit !save.jpg!. {color:#000000}\-Macros {color} {color:#000000}\-Notation Guide{color} \-style sheets{div}