- Run Eclipse. Go to File > New > Other....
Scroll down to Maven and expand then select Checkout Maven Projects from SCM as shown in the following panel.
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When satisfied that everything is correct, click Next.
Do the following: indent |
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* From the *SCM URL:* dropdown, select *snv*.
* Uncheck *Checkout All Projects*.
* Copy and pasted the following URL into the *SCM URL:* input field.
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2 | 2 |
When done the panel should be identical to the following:
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When satisfied that everything is correct, click Next.
In the Enter Repository Location Information panel do the following:
for the URL:field enter:
Code Block |
For the Label, select: use the repository URL as the label
For the Authentication, enter your User name and password.
If you want the change the Workspace location, uncheck the Use default Workspace location and enter the path to the desired workspace.
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2 | 2 |
When satisfied that everything is correct, click Finish.
Verify the Maven Project that is being imported. The Import Maven Projects panel should be identical to the following panel. indent |
When satisfied that everything is correct, click
Finish Next.
- When the project is opened, your Eclipse - Project Explorer View should look as follows:
The Repository Location Properties panel is a warning panel.
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Right click on the project and select Team > Disconnect
You do not want to normalize the URL!
click No.
In the Select Resourcepanel, select
Code Block |
as shown in the following panel:
When following Confirm Disconnect from SVN is displayed, select Also delete the SVN meta-information from the file system.. indent |
When satisfied that everything is correct, click
Yes Finish.
- Open the Eclipse - Navigator View
In the Check Out As panel, select Check out as a project with the name specified: as shown in the following panel.
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* expand the *projectArtifactId* project,
* delete the *.settings* file.
Open the Eclipse Project Explorer View. !setupWarTemplate010.jpg!
When satisfied that everything is correct, click Finish.
Your Eclipse - Project Explorer View should now look similar to the following
The view should look as follows:
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Right click on the war-template project and select
Refactor > Rename....
Replace projectArtifactId with the projectArtifactId that you have previously selected.
Team > Disconnect
When the following Confirm Disconnect from SVN panel is displayed, select Also delete the SVN meta-information from the file system.
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*Note*: You might want to append a *-war* to the projectArtifactId to denote that this is the war component of your project.
For example: If my projectArtifactId was att, then my panel would look like the following:
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When satisfied that everything is correct, click OK.
When satisfied that everything is correct, click Yes.
Open the Eclipse Project Explorer View. The view should look as follows:
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Right click on the war-template project and select Rename....
Replace war-template with the short project acronym that you have previously selected. If you have not selected a short project acronym, please go to Selecting names for your project before continuing.
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*Note*: If you haven't already do so, You might want to append a *-web* to the *short project acronym* to denote that this is the web component of your project.
For example: If my short project acronym was att, then my panel would look like the
The Eclipse - Project Explorer View should look similar to the following:
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When satisfied that everything is correct, click OK.
The Eclipse - Project Explorer View should look similar to the following
Right click on the project and select Team > Share Project...
Select SVN as shown below:
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Right click on the renamed project and select Configure > Convert to Maven Project
Expand your project and it should look similar to the following:
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Right click on the renamed project and select Team > Share Project...
Select SVN
When satisfied that everything is correct, click Next.
Select Create a new repository location as shown below:
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When satisfied that everything is correct, click Next.
Select Create a new repository location as shown below:
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When satisfied that everything is correct, click Next.
Enter a
Enter a desired SVN URL for your project.
For example: The SVN repository that you should use is svn+ssh://svn.mit.edu/es-projects/ followed by the SVN project identifier that you had previously selected. If you have not selected a SVN project identifier, please go to Selecting names for your project before continuing.
For example:
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If my *SVN project identifier* is *academic-att*, then the SVN URL would be:
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Keep in mind that there are at least 2 component for every project, a WAR and a JAR.
You Should keep all project components grouped together in the same SVN directory. A logical grouping
would be by the projectName that you selected. If my projectName were *att*, then the SVN
URL would be *svn+ssh://svn.mit.edu/es-projects/academic-att*. .
This would mean that my warjar project
would be created under the *es-projects/academic-att* directory in the SVN repository. This is shown
in the following panel:
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Don't forget to enter your User name and Password,
When satisfied that everything is correct, click
Finish Next.
When the following panel is display notifying you that a new SVN entry will be created:
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When satisfied that everything is correct, click OK.
Do the following:
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* In the *Advanced Mode* section, select *Use project name*.
* In the *Project Repository Layout* section, select *Use single project layout*.
* Check *Use Subversion recommended layout ('trunk', 'branches' and 'tags')* check box.
The panel should be as illustrated in the following panel:
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When satisfied that everything is correct, click
Finish Next.
Nothing to do here. This is an information panel similar to the following panel:
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When satisfied that everything is correct, click Finish.
When a panel similar to the one below is display, enter a comment.
This is the initial SVN check-in (svn commit) for the WAR project:
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When satisfied that everything is correct, click OK.
When the SVN commit has completed, the Eclipse - Project Explorer View should look similar to the following.
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