DomeCore | DCterms:element (What we would like to use in DOME) | DCterms:element*(DSpace Name) | VRA Core 4.0 path(IRIS Field Name) | MODS path(AT Field Name) | MARC |
Identifier |
| dcterms:identifier (dc.identifier.none; dc.identifier. uri) | vra:image/id | mets: mets@OBJID=“IDENTIFIER” | 035 |
Rights |
| dcterms:rights (dc.rights.none) | vra: rights/text | mods:accessCondition type=”useAndReproduction” | 506 |
Name |
| dcterms:title | vra: work/title | mods:titleInfo/title | 245 |
Agent |
| dcterms:creator (dc.contributor.author) | vra: agent/name | mods:name/role/@roleTerm = Creator | 100 |
Type |
| dcterms:type | vra: work/worktype | mods: genre | 655 |
Date |
| dcterms:date (dc.date.issued) | vra: date@type="creation" | mods:origInfo/datecreated | 260c |
Notes |
| dcterms:description (dc.description.none) | vra: description | mods:abstract@displayLabel=”Abstract” | 520 |
* based on DSpace behavior, not Dome
- Access restrictions: Information about restrictions imposed on access and use of a resource
- Relationships: Aggregation; Peer-to-peer
- Subject Analysis: Dates associated with what is depicted in the content of the resource; People and locations associated with the resource (depicted/described/created); Additional Agents; Topics
- Language
- Descriptions of the physical and digital versions of the resource: The location depicted in the physical resource
- Dimensions
- Format
- Provenance: Source
- Custodianship: Name of the owning institution and/or the institution responsible for providing access to the resource
Format and Genre DomeCore Elements
Digital Collections Metadata Application Profile (DRAFT)