}{div2:style=position:absolute;left:-5.5em |
| } {div2}[Requirements|#req] [Testing|#test] [Change Management|#cm] [Ongoing Project Management|#opm]
|| Staff || Email \\ || Area \\ || Expertise and Interests \\ || Phone \\ ||
| _ Karon McCollin_ \\ | _[*mccollin@mit.edu*|mailto:mccollin@mit.edu]_ | _Administrative Systems_ \\
_HR Payroll_ \\ | _General business analysis, requirements analysis and documentation,_ \\
_business process mapping_ \\ | _x22077_ \\ |
| _ Patricia Sheppard_ \\ | _[*pshepp@mit.edu*|mailto:pshepp@mit.edu]_ | _Administration_ \\
_Process Improvement_ \\ | _Business process mapping_ \\ | _ x33179_ |
|| Staff \\ || Email \\ || Area \\ || Expertise and Interests \\ || *Phone* \\ ||
| _Wendy Bastos_ \\ | *_[*wbastos@mit.edu*|mailto:wbastos@mit.edu]_* | _Systems Engineering_ \\
_Software Quality Assurance Manager_ \\ | _ Quality assurance and risk identification and management_ | _x89197_ \\ |
| _Karon McCollin_ \\ | *_[*mccollin@mit.edu*|mailto:mccollin@mit.edu]_* | _Administrative Systems_ \\
_HR Payroll_ \\ | _Test case development and peer reviews_ | _x22077_ |
*{_}Change Management{_}*
|| Staff || Email \\ || Area \\ || Expertise and Interests \\ || Phone \\ ||
| _Wendy Bastos_ \\ | *_[*wbastos@mit.edu*|mailto:wbastos@mit.edu]_* | _Systems Engineering_ \\
_Software Quality Assurance Manager_ \\ | _ Quality assurance and risk identification and management_ | _x89197_ \\ |
| _Kevin Mullins_ \\ | _[*kmullins@mit.edu*|mailto:kmullins@mit.edu]_ \\ | _Operations & Infrastructure_ \\
_Enterprise Application Administration_ \\ | _General change management_ \\ | _x48311_ \\ |
| _Patricia Sheppard_ \\ | _[*pshepp@mit.edu*|mailto:pshepp@mit.edu]_ \\ | _Administration_ \\
_Process Improvement_ \\ | _Change communication, planning and coordination_ \\ | _x33179_ \\ |
*{_}Ongoing Project Management{_}*
|| Staff \\ || Email \\ || Area \\ || Expertise and Interests \\ || *Phone* \\ ||
| _Christine Fitzgerald_ \\ | *_[*cavanna@mit.edu*|mailto:cavanna@mit.edu]_* \\ | _Administration_ \\
_Communications_ \\ | _Project communication plans_ \\ | _x39814_ \\ |
| _amber Fearon_ \\ | *_[*fearon@mit.edu*|mailto:fearon@mit.edu]_* \\ | _Administration_ \\
_Communications_ \\ | _Project budgets and forecasting_ \\ | _x39814_ \\ |
| _Marco Gomes_ \\ | *_[*mgomes@mit.edu*|mailto:mgomes@mit.edu]_* \\ | _Operations & Infrastructure_ \\
_Network Installation & Projects_ \\ | _General project management_ \\ | _x30336_ \\ |
| _Kevin Mullins_ \\ | *_[*kmullins@mit.edu*|mailto:kmullins@mit.edu]_* \\ | _Operations & Infrastructure_ \\
_Enterprise Application Administration_ \\ | _Infrastructure Project Management_ \\ | _x48311_ \\ |
| _Madge Lewis_ \\ | *_[*mjlewis@mit.edu*|mailto:mjlewis@mit.edu]_* \\ | _Education Systems{_}_ _ \\
_Project Management_ | _General project management_ | _x30664_ \\ |
| _Patricia Sheppard_ \\ | *_[*pshepp@mit.edu*|mailto:pshepp@mit.edu]_* \\ | _Administration_ \\
_Process Improvement_ \\ | _Resource planning,_ _team building, stakeholder identification_ \\
_and engagement , communication plans_ \\ | _x33179_ \\ |
| _Lori Singer_ \\ | *_[*lsinger@mit.edu*|mailto:lsinger@mit.edu]_* \\ | _Education Systems_ \\
_Project Management_ \\ | _General project management_ | _x48971_ \\ |
| _Zahida Taher_ \\ | *_[*ztaher@mit.edu*|mailto:ztaher@mit.edu]_* \\ | _Education Systems_ \\
_Project Management_ | _General project management_ | _x55221_ \\ |
h5. {color:#993300}{*}{_}Staff should feel free to contact volunteers directly\!_{*}{color}Requirements Testing Change Management Ongoing Project Management |