June 14, 2011
Phone bridge : number 617-324-7520 , time 5:00 pm to 6:30pm
June 7, 2011
Phone bridge : number 617-324-7374 , time 5:00 pm to 6:30pm
Draft Users Meeting Talk - Justin
April 19, 2011
Phone bridge : number 617-452-2163 , time 5:00 pm to 6:30pm
- Run 11 - What did we get? - Jan
- Run 9 reproduction/embedding - Joe/Justin
March 22, 2011
Phone bridge : number 617-324-7374, time 5:00 pm to 6:30pm , 10 lines
present: Bernd,Jan,Pibero,Justin,Evan,Anselm, Scott,Gene
- Prospects of physics outcome from run 11 Ws.
- W AN theory prediction, sensitivity - Justin , An is large (and changes sign) at the ET of half of W mass, where we run rapidly out of yield.
- FOM for AN w/ run 11 stats - Jan , 500 events would allow to measure AN*P with accuracy of 0.06 (=1 sigma)
- Ws in the Endcap?
- Run 9 W x-section paper ?
- is paper really done and we await for efficiency from embedding?
- STAR library with fixes is not tagged yet, we want to use it for re-production and new embedding
- Dmitry improved DB so may be Justin will be able to run all jobs at once.
- RUN 12 BUR (Mid-rapidity / Forward rapidity) Expected LT, P as in run 11. We need achievable physics goal measurement.
March 8, 2011
Phone bridge : number 617-452-2163, time 5:00 pm to 6:30pm , 10 lines
- Update on SL09g/SL10j comparison - Joe
- Change in DB that causes loss of tracks is found - link
- What do we want to do now? Reproduce? Both production and embedding? Can we use cloud?
- Update on W Embedding - Justin
March 1, 2011
Phone bridge : number 617-452-2163, time 5:00 pm to 6:30pm , 10 lines
- Update on SL09g/SL10j comparison - Joe
- Update on W Embedding - Justin
February 22, 2011
Phone bridge : number 617-324-7520, time 5:00 pm to 6:30pm , 10 lines
- Update on SL09g/SL10j comparison - Joe
- First 100 Ws @ STAR reconstructed on the Cloud - Jan + Justin + STAR & Magellan Computing teams
February 15, 2011
Phone bridge : number 617-324-7520, time 5:00 pm to 6:30pm , 10 lines
present: Justin, Hal, Joe, Scott, Evan, Gene, Jan
- Status of TPC calib: Gene, Joe. New SC & GL in official DB as of day 46, ZDC seems to count less by ~20%
- EMC status - Justin
- L2 malloc() problem - Joe. Is solved
- Ws in the barrel found so far page 13: PDF , separated by day: 42 , 44 , 45 - Jan
- VMs processing data taken today load
- Idea of 'W from the Cloud' daily updating page ? Cons seems to weight over pros.
- long vs. trans switch - change of plans?
- ongoing data related tasks to be taken, as shown last week drupal blog^http://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/node/20243/ , Evan will start working on bXing offset vs. run.
February 8, 2011
Phone bridge : number 617-452-5208 , time 5:30 pm (30 minutes later) to 6:30pm , 10 lines
present: Gene, Justin, Scott, jan
Agenda: focus on run 11 Ws; goal AL paper in reading by spin PWG in the Fall'11:
- Identified tasks: http://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/node/20243/ - Jan
- Status of TPC calibration + beam line constrain - Gene## preliminary in place: T0, TPC gain by Tonko online follow ramp with some latency, DV, beam line, SC & GL taken form run 9 pp500## work on better : beam line, big task SC & GL following Joe's work w/ ZDC rate as input - needs evaluation, are ZDC the same?## Lower HV to 1100 V TPC gain will reduce by 30%, MIP should be still visible, efficiency should not deteriorate## gains between pads needs to be redone with new HV## low lumi fill wil be request
- Status of EMC calibration - Justin
- Status of production on VM - Jan#* resources: cores, local disk, permanent disk - sufficient
- protocol: not fully functional
- Works: automatic writing daq files from RCF HPSS to rcf data13/, processing of single daq file on VM including I/O to host (carver)
- in commissioning : reliable DB update on VM, bulk file transfer to NERSC w/ gsiftp
- on the drawing board: transporting muDst back to RCF, sinking in HPSS, registering muDst with the file catalog
- protocol: not fully functional
- Status of 2011 W-algo , E+B, W, Z - Justin## writes W-tree, ## Endcap W-code: needs track & cluster## Endcap Z-code : 1 track & cluster in B + cluster in E (no need for track)
- Analysis of day 37 - Jan: W-barrel 'movie' for run 12037063
January 18, 2011
Phone bridge : number 617-452-2163 , time 5pm to 6:30pm , 10 lines
- Status of embedding request - Jan, Justin
- New Production - Justin, Jan, Gene
- [W Xsec Paper|http://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/blog/seelej/2010/oct/26/run9-w-cross-section-paper] - Joe
- [W Xsec Analysis Update|http://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/xSectionUpdate1.18.11.pdf] - Justin
January 11, 2011
Phone bridge : number 617-324-7374 , time 5pm to 6:30pm , 10 lines
- Status of embedding request - Jan, Justin
- New production - Justin
- Paper Rough Draft Released - Joe
January 4, 2011
Phone bridge : number 617-324-7374, time 5pm to 6:30pm , 10 lines
- Status of embedding request - Jan eval of muDst, Justin
- New production - Justin
- Paper Status - Joe
- SN Status - Justin
- AOB## ESMD/EPRS ideas for Endcap W algo - Justin blog
December 14, 2010
Phone bridge : number 617-452-2163, time 5pm to 6:30pm , 10 lines
- Status of embedding request - Jan, Justin
- Run11 Prep - All
- W kin
December 8, 2010
Phone bridge : number 617-324-7374, time 5pm to 6:30pm , 10 lines
- Status of papers from run 9
- W AL
- W x-section
- paper draft
- embedding
- Preparation to run 11, pp500
- Goals
- acquire LT=100/pb w/ P=50% to tape (is ~20% higher than in BUR, lets balance pressure from IP3)
- plot J-peak charge separated 1 month after W-trigger established
- determine AL for W+,- in the Barrel and Endcap
- publish only AL for W+,-
- do not yield to the pressure of upcoming conferences, rather do the job once and do it right at the first time.
- timing in of calos & spin bits
- L0 trigger
- L2 tagger
- online monitoring
- human run QA concurrent with data taking
- revise key words describing problems
- generate automatic run list (the big CSV table)
- assign names & weeks for human QA, define stick and carrot
- preparation to daq files production : ### A='dirty' , B='preliminary', C='final' (w/ support from Jerome)
- time line: A='near real time', B='end of May' , C='December 2011'
- availability of TPC calibrations : A='2mm', B='as good as in run 9', C='final'
- beam line constrain
- availability of EMC calibrations: a) E+B towers, b) ESMD, c) anything else
- availability of computing resources: Magellan/Cloud for A,B, RCF for C
- availability of disks for muDst : ~50% on our institutional disks, 50% on RCF, may need to 'see' only half of muDst at given time, the rest on HPSS
- availability of manpower to harness the cloud: Matt,Jan, Iwona(10%), Justin, Jerome is helping a lot
- do we need changes/upgrades to the BFC to better utilize Endcap info for tracking?
- Low priority issues (work on those after all the above is in a good shape)
- Z-> ee x-section
- W A_N from the transverse period , theory talk @ RIKEN https://indico.bnl.gov/materialDisplay.py?contribId=14&sessionId=6&materialId=slides&confId=247
- dbar/ubar from unpol Ws
- ZB events & embedding
- vernier scan
- Goals
December 1, 2010
Phone bridge : number 617-324-7374, time 5pm to 7pm , 10 lines
<span style="color: #003366">[</span><span style="color: #003366">Dip problem resolved?</span>\[Dip problem resolved?|http://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/blog/seelej/2010/nov/23/a-resolution-dip-problem-pp500\] \ - Joe \Wiki Markup
# \ [First look at endcap Ws\|http://www.star.bnl.gov/protected/spin/stevens4/tmp/nov22/endcapW.pdf\] \ - Justin \
# Embedding and Production Update - All \
# \ [more about Endcap Ws \Endcap Ws |http://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/2009-W-Endcap-varia1.pdf\]h4. *November 9, 2010*
Phone bridge : number 617-324-7374, time 5pm to 7pm , 10 lines
- Paper has been resubmitted!
- TPC Calibration - Done! - Joe
October 26, 2010
Phone bridge : number 617-324-7374, time 5pm to 7pm , 10 lines
- GPC comments/resubmission to PRL of AL paper - Bernd
- TPC Calibration - Joe
- Xsec paper figures - Joe, Scott, Justin
- BTOW scale decision - All
- vernier scan note and luminosity numbers posted - Ross
October 19, 2010
- GPC comments/resubmission to PRL of AL paper - Bernd
- BTOW Scale update - Justin
- will BSMD help in W reco? - Jan
- Preparation for run11 - Joe
- Luminosity Monitoring for run11 - Ross
- Draft DNP talk - Justin
October 12, 2010
- Referee Responses to AL paper - Bernd
- Our first *real* citation
- Ready to start embedding? - Jan, Joe, Justin
- Vernier scan note/systematics - Ross
October 5, 2010
- Referee Responses to AL paper - Bernd
- Update on investigation of BTOW scale: blog
September 14, 2010
- W x-section paper
- Investigating BTOW scale: E/p stuff another idea
- Ongoing data analysis
- vernier scan - Ross -nothing
- revised background estimate (using signed pT balance cut) - Joe ?
- add more ...
- Papers
- W AL paper home page: PRL ver 1.0 , STAR Note ver 2.00
- W x-section paper : where are we?
- upcoming talks during STAR collaboration meetings:
- Justin: Junior day
- Bernd/Jan: presentation of W AL paper to spin PWG & asking for GPC
- Jan : plenary talk on Ws from run 9
March 9, 2010
Phone bridge *number: 617 452 2163* , time 5pm to 6:30 pm , 10 lines
Present: Ross, Ilya, Justin,Jan,Scott
- computing absolute lumi and W xSection. I think it is time to just do it , show, criticize, do it again.
-newer table of luminosity
-first look at efficiencies blog - theory calculation - lets start to plot it on the xSection
- QA of non-embedding M-C: ilya drupal
- update on fill polarization - are we waiting on new values or just on the summary table from Bernd
January 5, 2010
Phone bridge number: 617-452-2163 , time 5pm to 6+pm ,
- TPC - Gene reported slewing correction for clusters is in DB. T0 should be in DB at the end of the week. Then we can ask for re-production of one fill to see if tracking efficiency improved at Z~0
- PPV - status of evaluation of SL09b production - no report
- Vernier scan - Ross
- formula computing BBC xsection seems to be complete now. For a low lumi fill in pp500 the computed BBC xsection is 26mb - close to the value know for pp200
- Q: what do we expect for BBC xsection at 500 GeV - answer is unknown
- the linear formula can't be applied for regular fills when BBC is saturated, Hal suggested using more advanced approach counting bXings w/o rate, using zero of Poisson distribution. LINK SHOULD BE HERE
- BHT3 x-section : results of fit with noisy patches removed Conclusion: background reduces but not vanishes. Comparison for other vernier scan will be made, estimation of error in determination of xSection due to non vanishing background will be made
- BTOW calibration
- relative -Joe - link , is completed. Write-up was sent to emc2-hn for comments.
- absolute -Matt, will be performed shortly using Joe's relative gains.
- Understanding QCD e+/e\- ratio at ET \ [15,20\] GeV - Scott.
- Plan: use Pythia events and simplified W-algo to determine the ratio of high pT particles with positive/negative charge.
- Manpower: not assigned.
- Status of W analysis:
- Joe detailed presentation of alternative W-algo, run 9 data & M-C - link. Results are consistent with Jan's analysis. 2 independent algos leading to similar output improve confidence in the result.
- Jan's ver 4.2 : bug fix, upgrade, answers to questions after last week spin PWG presentation , slides
- Justin : using ETOW in W-algo improves S/B in ET~20 GeV region, allows background estimation for di-jets escaping through not existing East endcap.
- Layout of paper 1: Draft: Files: Bernd
Decisions:- Bernd will oversee the latex files, complete version will be posted in spin/protected/ area at THIS LOCATION
- Assigned chapters: Intro+RHIC : Bernd; STAR : Scott; Lumi : Ross; Trigger : Jan
- We hope to have them written by next week.
- Announcements
- Hal finished run QA for fills: 10403, 10404, 10407, 10412.
- TPC, Gene:
- non-linear SC(lumi) should provide TPC track accuracy of 2 mm at both ends of the track. We hope Joe will work on this next week, should take a week.
- We could also use Gene's PCA method of finding a linear combination of scalers (each at first order).
- since linear SC(lumi) was tuned to lumi equivalent to ZDC base rate of 70kHz, any pp500 run taken at the ZDC rate has current best TPC calibration. Jan: I'll use it for beam line constrain study, see below.
*beam line constrain* : plan A is Rosi & Jan succeed with 3D beam line fit to global tracks w/o intermediate vertex finding. Here are \ [[Media:Beamline-v3.pdf |details of the algo]\] as intended and not implemented. If this works Gene needs a \ ~day to produce beam line constrain for all 39 fills. Plane B is to use Minuit vertex finder which may require significant stats to overcome jitter due to pileup tracks. In such case we would need to provide manpower for \ ~week long job, Gene would only supervise it. Jan: lets go for plan A.Wiki Markup - conclusion: once both items are resolved we can ask for production, perhaps 2 weeks from now.
- BTOW, ETOW gains - no progress.unmigrated-wiki-markup
- BSMD : Willie is working '''slopes for individual strips'''. He run over 10k VPD-minB events and got this \ [[Media:BSMD-strips-Picture 16.png|2D plot of module 119]\] and spectra \ [[Media:BSMD-strips-Picture 15.png |individual strips]\]. The available 1.5M vpd-minB events should be enough to fit every strip. If not we will merge strips.unmigrated-wiki-markup
- BSMD geometry: Scott asked how well we know '''relative position of BSMD vs. TPC'''. It is [followed up on emc2-hn |http://www.star.bnl.gov/HyperNews-star/get/emc2/3250/1.html]. <p> Scott once did \ [[Media:Conversions-distace-Scott.pdf | simple calculation for photons that convert to | simple calculation for photons that convert to e+/e- pairs||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||\||]\] in the SVT, attached. <br>The relevant equation is on the bottom left. For the W -> e, we have r_1 = 0, r_2 = 2.3 m (approximate radius of BSMD planes), and B = 0.5 T. With these numbers, you get the simple relation<br> dPhi (cm) = 40 / pT (GeV)<br>For example, an electron of 40 GeV pT will deflect in the phi direction by 1 cm relative to the same e- of infinite pT. This is probably good to better than a few - pairs||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||\] in the SVT, attached. <br>The relevant equation is on the bottom left. For the W > e, we have r_1 = 0, r_2 = 2.3 m (approximate radius of BSMD planes), and B = 0.5 T. With these numbers, you get the simple relation<br> dPhi (cm) = 40 / pT (GeV)<br>For example, an electron of 40 GeV pT will deflect in the phi direction by 1 cm relative to the same e of infinite pT. This is probably good to better than a few %.
- run QA : Scott is working on his fills.