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June  14, 2011

Phone bridge : number 617-324-73747520 , time 5:00 pm to 6:30pm , 10 linespresent: Bernd,Jan,Pibero,Justin,Evan,Anselm, Scott,Gene


  1. Prospects of physics outcome from run 11 Ws.  
    1. W AN   theory prediction, sensitivity - Justin , An is large  (and changes sign) at the ET of half of W mass, where we run rapidly out of yield.  
    2. FOM for AN w/ run 11 stats - Jan , 500 events would allow to measure AN*P with accuracy of 0.06 (=1 sigma)
    3. Ws in the Endcap?
  2. Run 9 W x-section  paper ?
    1. is paper really done and we await for efficiency from embedding?
    2. STAR library with fixes is not tagged yet, we want to use it for re-production and new embedding
    3. Dmitry improved DB so may be Justin will be able to run all jobs at once.
  3. RUN 12 BUR (Mid-rapidity / Forward rapidity) Expected LT, P as in run 11. We need achievable physics goal measurement.
  4. AOB

March  8, 2011

  1. Run 9 Production blog  - Justin
  2. Theory Calcs Appearing as Completed (link) - Joe

June  7, 2011

Phone bridge : number 617-324-7374 , time 5:00 pm to 6:30pm


  1. Run 9 Production - Joe/Justin
  2. Run 9 SN v1.2 - Justin
  3. Run 9 Paper - Joe
    1. Draft Figures - blog


    Draft Users Meeting Talk - Justin

April  19, 2011

Phone bridge : number 617-452-2163 , time 5:00 pm to 6:30pm , 10 linespresent: 


  1. Update on SL09g/SL10j comparison - Joe
    1. Change in DB that causes loss of tracks is found - link
    2. What do we want to do now? Reproduce? Both production and embedding? Can we use cloud?
  2. Update on W Embedding - Justin
    1. W- : done  movie
    2. W+: done  movie
    3. Z->ee : done
    4. W->tau : few days left
  3. AOB


  1. Run 11 - What did we get? - Jan
  2. Run 9 reproduction/embedding - Joe/Justin 
  3. AOB

March  22, 2011

Phone bridge : number 617-452324-21637374, time 5:00 pm to 6:30pm , 10 lines

present:  Bernd,Jan,Pibero,Justin,Evan,Anselm, Scott,Gene


  1. Update on SL09g/SL10j comparison - Joe
    1. One line of code causes a problem 
    2. But its not the whole story
  2. Update on W Embedding - Justin
  3. AOB

February  22, 2011

Phone bridge : number 617-324-7520, time 5:00 pm to 6:30pm , 10 lines



  1.  Update on SL09g/SL10j comparison - Joe
  2. First 100 Ws @ STAR reconstructed  on the Cloud - Jan + Justin + STAR & Magellan Computing teams
    1. Movies W in BEMC , one Z in BEMC

February  15, 2011

Phone bridge : number 617-324-7520, time 5:00 pm to 6:30pm , 10 lines

present: Justin, Hal, Joe, Scott, Evan, Gene, Jan


  1.  Status of TPC calib: Gene, Joe. New SC & GL in official DB as of day 46, ZDC seems to count less by ~20% 
  2. EMC status - Justin
  3. L2 malloc() problem - Joe. Is  solved 
  4. Ws in the barrel found so far page 13:  PDF , separated by day: 42 , 44 , 45 - Jan
  5. VMs processing data taken today load
  6. Idea of 'W from the Cloud' daily updating page ? Cons seems to weight over pros.
  7.  long vs. trans switch - change of plans?
  8. ongoing data related tasks to be taken, as shown last week drupal blog^ , Evan will start working on bXing offset vs. run.
  1. AOB

February  8, 2011

  1. Prospects of physics outcome from run 11 Ws.  
    1. W AN   theory prediction, sensitivity - Justin , An is large  (and changes sign) at the ET of half of W mass, where we run rapidly out of yield.  
    2. FOM for AN w/ run 11 stats - Jan , 500 events would allow to measure AN*P with accuracy of 0.06 (=1 sigma)
    3. Ws in the Endcap?
  2. Run 9 W x-section  paper ?
    1. is paper really done and we await for efficiency from embedding?
    2. STAR library with fixes is not tagged yet, we want to use it for re-production and new embedding
    3. Dmitry improved DB so may be Justin will be able to run all jobs at once.
  3. RUN 12 BUR (Mid-rapidity / Forward rapidity) Expected LT, P as in run 11. We need achievable physics goal measurement.
  4. AOB

March  8, 2011

Phone bridge : number 617-452-2163, time 5:00 pm to 6:30pm , 10 lines



  1. Update on SL09g/SL10j comparison - Joe
    1. Change in DB that causes loss of tracks is found - link
    2. What do we want to do now? Reproduce? Both production and embedding? Can we use cloud?
  2. Update on W Embedding - Justin
    1. W- : done  movie
    2. W+: done  movie
    3. Z->ee : done
    4. W->tau : few days left
  3. AOB

March  1, 2011

Phone bridge : number 617-452-2163, time 5:00 pm to Phone bridge : number 617-452-5208  , time 5:30 pm (30 minutes later)  to 6:30pm , 10 lines

present: Gene, Justin, Scott, jan 

Agenda:  focus on run 11 Ws; goal AL paper in reading by spin PWG in the Fall'11:

  1. Identified tasks: - Jan
  2. Status of TPC calibration + beam line constrain - Gene## preliminary in place: T0, TPC gain by Tonko online follow ramp with some latency, DV, beam line, SC & GL taken form run 9 pp500## work on better : beam line, big task SC & GL  following Joe's work w/ ZDC rate as input - needs evaluation, are ZDC the same?## Lower HV to 1100 V  TPC gain will reduce by 30%, MIP should be still visible, efficiency should not deteriorate## gains between pads needs to be redone with new HV## low lumi fill wil be request   
  3. Status of EMC calibration - Justin
  4. Status of production on VM - Jan#* resources:  cores, local disk, permanent disk - sufficient  
    • protocol: not fully functional
      • Works: automatic writing daq files from RCF HPSS to rcf data13/, processing of single daq file on VM including I/O to host (carver)
      • in commissioning : reliable DB update on VM, bulk file transfer to NERSC w/ gsiftp
      • on the drawing board: transporting muDst back to RCF, sinking in HPSS, registering muDst with the file catalog
  1. Status of 2011 W-algo , E+B, W, Z - Justin## writes W-tree, ## Endcap W-code: needs track & cluster## Endcap Z-code : 1 track & cluster in B + cluster in E (no need for  track)
  2. Analysis of day 37 - Jan: W-barrel 'movie' for run 12037063
    # AOB

January 18, 2011

Phone bridge : number 617-452-2163  , time 5pm to 6:30pm , 10 lines



  1. Update on SL09g/SL10j comparison - Joe
    1. One line of code causes a problem 
    2. But its not the whole story
  2. Update on W Embedding - Justin
  3. AOB

February  22, 2011

Phone bridge : number 617-324-7520, time 5:00 pm to 6:30pm , 10 lines



  1.  Update on SL09g/SL10j comparison - Joe
  2. First 100 Ws @ STAR reconstructed  on the Cloud - Jan + Justin + STAR & Magellan Computing teams
    1. Movies W in BEMC , one Z in BEMC

February  15, 2011

Phone bridge : number 617-324-7520, time 5:00 pm to 6:30pm , 10 lines

present: Justin, Hal, Joe, Scott, Evan, Gene, Jan


  1.  Status of TPC calib: Gene, Joe. New SC & GL in official DB as of day 46, ZDC seems to count less by ~20% 
  2. EMC status - Justin
  3. L2 malloc() problem - Joe. Is  solved 
  4. Ws in the barrel found so far page 13:  PDF , separated by day: 42 , 44 , 45 - Jan
  5. VMs processing data taken today load
  6. Idea of 'W from the Cloud' daily updating page ? Cons seems to weight over pros.
  7.  long vs. trans switch - change of plans?
  8. ongoing data related tasks to be taken, as shown last week drupal blog^ , Evan will start working on bXing offset vs. run.
  1. AOB

February  8, 2011

Phone bridge : number 617-452-5208  , time 5:30 pm (30 minutes later)  to 6:30pm , 10 lines

present: Gene, Justin, Scott, jan

Agenda:  focus on run 11 Ws; goal AL paper in reading by spin PWG in the Fall'11:

  1. Identified tasks: 
  2. Status of embedding request - Jan, Justin
  3. New Production - Justin, Jan, Gene
  4. [W Xsec Paper|] - Joe
  5. [W Xsec Analysis Update|] - Justin
  6. AOB

January 11, 2011

Phone bridge : number 617-324-7374 , time 5pm to 6:30pm , 10 lines


  1. Status of embedding request - Jan, Justin
  2. New production - Justin
  3. Paper Rough Draft Released - Joe
  4. AOB

January 4, 2011

Phone bridge : number 617-324-7374, time 5pm to 6:30pm , 10 lines


  1. Status of embedding request - Jan eval of muDst, Justin
  2. New production - Justin
  3. Paper Status - Joe
  4. SN Status - Justin
  5. AOB## ESMD/EPRS ideas for Endcap W algo - Justin blog

December 14, 2010

Phone bridge : number 617-452-2163, time 5pm to 6:30pm , 10 lines


  1. Status of embedding request - Jan, Justin
  2. Run11 Prep - All
  3. W kin

December 8, 2010

  1. 20243/ - Jan
  2. Status of TPC calibration + beam line constrain - Gene## preliminary in place: T0, TPC gain by Tonko online follow ramp with some latency, DV, beam line, SC & GL taken form run 9 pp500## work on better : beam line, big task SC & GL  following Joe's work w/ ZDC rate as input - needs evaluation, are ZDC the same?## Lower HV to 1100 V  TPC gain will reduce by 30%, MIP should be still visible, efficiency should not deteriorate## gains between pads needs to be redone with new HV## low lumi fill wil be request   
  3. Status of EMC calibration - Justin
  4. Status of production on VM - Jan#* resources:  cores, local disk, permanent disk - sufficient  
    • protocol: not fully functional
      • Works: automatic writing daq files from RCF HPSS to rcf data13/, processing of single daq file on VM including I/O to host (carver)
      • in commissioning : reliable DB update on VM, bulk file transfer to NERSC w/ gsiftp
      • on the drawing board: transporting muDst back to RCF, sinking in HPSS, registering muDst with the file catalog
  1. Status of 2011 W-algo , E+B, W, Z - Justin## writes W-tree, ## Endcap W-code: needs track & cluster## Endcap Z-code : 1 track & cluster in B + cluster in E (no need for  track)
  2. Analysis of day 37 - Jan: W-barrel 'movie' for run 12037063
    # AOB

January 18, 2011

Phone bridge : number 617-452-2163  Phone bridge : number 617-324-7374, time 5pm to 6:30pm , 10 lines


  1. Status of papers from run 9
    1. W AL
    2. W x-section
      1. paper draft
      2. embedding
  2. Preparation to run 11, pp500
    1. Goals 
      1. acquire LT=100/pb w/ P=50% to tape (is ~20% higher than in BUR, lets balance pressure from IP3)  
      2. plot J-peak charge separated 1 month after W-trigger established
      3. determine AL for W+,-  in the Barrel and Endcap 
      4. publish only AL for W+,- 
      5. do not yield to the pressure of upcoming conferences, rather do the job once and do it right at the first time.
    2. timing in of calos & spin bits 
    3. L0 trigger
    4. L2 tagger 
    5. online monitoring
    6. human run QA concurrent with data taking
      1. revise key words describing problems
      2. generate automatic run list (the big CSV table)
      3. assign names & weeks for human QA, define stick and carrot
    7. preparation to daq files production :  ###  A='dirty' , B='preliminary', C='final'  (w/ support from Jerome)   
      1. time line:  A='near real time', B='end of May' , C='December 2011'
      2.  availability of TPC calibrations : A='2mm', B='as good as in run 9', C='final'
      3. beam line constrain
      4. availability of EMC calibrations: a) E+B towers, b) ESMD, c) anything else
      5. availability of computing resources:  Magellan/Cloud for A,B, RCF for C
      6. availability of disks for muDst :  ~50% on our institutional disks, 50% on RCF, may need to 'see' only half of muDst at given time, the rest on HPSS
      7. availability of manpower to harness the cloud:  Matt,Jan, Iwona(10%), Justin, Jerome is helping a lot
    8. do we need changes/upgrades to the BFC to better utilize Endcap info for tracking? 
    9. Low priority issues (work on those after all the above is in a good shape)
      1. Z-> ee x-section
      2. W A_N from the transverse period , theory talk @ RIKEN
      3.  dbar/ubar from unpol Ws
      4. ZB events & embedding
      5. vernier scan


  1. embedding request - Jan, Justin
  2. New Production - Justin, Jan, Gene
  3. [W Xsec Paper|] - Joe
  4. [W Xsec Analysis Update|] - Justin
  5. AOB

January 11, 2011

Phone bridge : number 617-324-7374 , time 5pm to 6:30pm , 10 lines


  1. Status of embedding request - Jan, Justin
  2. New production - Justin
  3. Paper Rough Draft Released - Joe
  4. AOB

January 4, 2011

Phone bridge : number 617-324-7374, time 5pm to 6:30pm , 10 lines


  1. Status of embedding request - Jan eval of muDst, Justin
  2. New production - Justin
  3. Paper Status - Joe
  4. SN Status - Justin
  5. AOB## ESMD/EPRS ideas for Endcap W algo - Justin blog

December 14, 2010

Phone bridge : number 617-452-2163, time 5pm to 6:30pm , 10 lines


  1. Status of embedding request - Jan, Justin
  2. Run11 Prep - All
  3. W kin

December 8, 2010

Phone bridge : number 617-324-7374, time 5pm to 7pm 6:30pm , 10 lines


  1. Wiki Markup
    <span style="color: #003366">[</span><span style="color: #003366">Dip problem resolved?</span>\|\]&nbsp;\- Joe
    \# \[First look at endcap Ws\|\]&nbsp;\- Justin
    \# Embedding and Production Update - All
    \# \[more about Endcap Ws&nbsp;\|\]h4. *November 9, 2010*

Phone bridge : number 617-324-7374, time 5pm to 7pm , 10 lines


  1. Paper has been resubmitted!
  2. TPC Calibration - Done! - Joe

October 26, 2010

Phone bridge : number 617-324-7374, time 5pm to 7pm , 10 lines

  1. GPC comments/resubmission to PRL of AL paper  - Bernd
  2. TPC Calibration - Joe
  3. Xsec paper figures - Joe, Scott, Justin
  4. BTOW scale decision - All
  5. AOB
    1. vernier scan note and luminosity numbers posted - Ross

October 19, 2010



  1. GPC comments/resubmission to PRL of AL paper  - Bernd
  2. BTOW Scale update - Justin
  3. will BSMD help in W reco? - Jan 
  4. Preparation for run11 - Joe
  5. Luminosity Monitoring for run11 - Ross
  6. AOB
    1. Draft DNP talk - Justin

October 12, 2010


  1. Referee Responses to AL paper  - Bernd
  2. Our first *real* citation  
  3. Ready to start embedding? - Jan, Joe, Justin
  4. Vernier scan note/systematics - Ross 

October 5, 2010


  1. Referee Responses to AL paper  - Bernd
  2. Update on investigation of BTOW scale: blog

September 14, 2010


  1.  W x-section paper
    1. Investigating BTOW scale:  E/p stuff  another idea

August 24, 2010


  1. W AL paper: corrections to Fig3 : Appendix G with yields , full SN ver 2.48
  2. W x-section paper (Table of tasks)
    1. Transverse Shower Leakage: Justin
    2. Renne expects official W-embedding request from spin PWG
  3. AOB

August 17, 2010

Present: Justin, Rosi, Jan, Gene, Joe, Ross

  1. W x-section paper (Table of tasks)
    1. Pythia simu : done, see table (Jan)
    2. absolute lumi, Ross
    3. BTOW Longitudinal Leakage: Justin
    4. add more ...
  2. AOB
  3. Announcements:
    1. W AL paper posted at RHIC, intended submission to PRL : August 23, 2010. Elapsed analysis time between end of data taking (April 13,2009) and submission to PRL will be 16.5 months. Lets do better for run 11 (smile)
    2. Joe is back

August 10, 2010

Present:Justin,Rosi, Ross, Bernd,Scott, Hal, Jan

  1. W AL paper, Bernd, ver 3.0
    most of comments from STAR collaboration were addressed, ready to sent to GPC again
  2. W x-section paper
    1. absolute lumi, Ross
      attempted new approach to estimate systematic error due to non-gaussianity, not converging yet, not sure if it ever will. Another idea of using deviation of chi2/dof from 1 as measure of syst error is investigated. The final table of integrated lumi per run (ver 4f) is attached to the drupal page.
    2. M-C simu: Justin, Jan
      EEss in dev, Lidia will tag it soon. Jan: pilot 1K even per sample will follow, with fixed single time stamp. Justin is working evaluation if EEss works properly.
    3. preliminary paper outline / motivation issues: Scott
      need to make decision soon if pol analysis are described in this paper.
    4. preliminary SN outline: Justin
    5. Willie resumed work on absolute BSMD calib based on run 9, we talk a lot, got air pressure values from Oleksandr, plot
    6. more ...
  3. Preparation for run 11:
    1. TPC working point for pp500 in run 11 Gene
  4. AOB

August 3, 2010

Present: Bernd, Rosi, Justin, Ross, Jan

  1. Carl's question about tau background for paper ver 2.0
    1. Short answer: NO, "Pythia does not include spin effects", Pythia 8.4, manual page 265
    2. Simu polarized tau decay at LHC Peskin, 2007 , page 17
    3. Pythia+TAUOLA example MC-TESTER , page 9
    4. TAUOLA, 2005 can be used w/ Pythia
    5. hadronic tau decay @ LHC
  2. TPC working point for pp500 in run 11 Gene
    1. how do I convert the X-axis in to instantaneous luminosity?
    2. how do I convert the Y-axis in to separation between +/- charge for high pT tracks.
    3. how can I infer loss of efficiency (and reco pT degradation) due to lost not-deconvoluted clusters.
  3. more on BG(eta) from run 9 , Jan
  4. status of EEMC slow simu
  5. run 11 preparation: FOM , Jan

July 27, 2010

Present: Ross,Hal,Rosi,Justin,Scott,Jan

  • Task for W x-section tasks & assignments
    We went thought the task list, few milestones and dates will be added.
    Hal raised question if details of the spin analysis will be part of the x-section paper.
    Pro: if we skip it now and have AL PRL paper from run 11 the details will be never published,
    Cons: many systematic studies of AL will show up much better on expected 5x larger stats from run 11
    No decision was made
  • Evaluation of absolute BTOW calibration blog
    Scott proposed mechanism for E/P=1 for di-jet comes from jets w/ leading pi+/- converting in to pi0 in EMC - we talk ~hour about likelihood of this.
  • Next W phone will be in 2 weeks on August 10.
  • W AL paper: latest ver 2.0

Summer break

June 8, 2010

A) Improve communication between PAs & GPC

  1. Are all questions below understood and people working on them?
  2. Will we have written answer for GPC ready (few days) before Friday (or should we ask for one more week) ?
  3. Most of GPS questions relate to W-reco , not AL(W). Are we preparing W-reco SN or beef up existing AL AN (and likely forgo the W x-section paper ) ?
  4. Shall we remove word 'first' as advised?
  5. Below is list of questions/comments from GPC (sent on June 5, 2010):
    1. the distribution of difference between EMC cluster center and the TPC
      track for + and - tracks:
      Need to check the distributions with signed distance, and separate
      xy and z directions.
      Need to check the distributions for W+- candidates only
      The effect of the cut on this quantity is probably small in terms of
      efficiency difference between + and - candidates. But it will be good to get
      an estimated number on this.
      These distributions will provide a good quantitative measure on how
      well the TPC calibration is. Once we know the difference for + and - tracks,
      we could estimate the magnitude on possible momentum distortions for tracks.
      We can estimate the effect of this distortion in real data.
    2. the sPtBalance vs awayside-Pt figures do show that the correlation
      depends on ET of the candidates. The Pas are asked to impose an awayside-Pt
      (15 GeV/c or 20 GeV/c), and use the same procedure as the current analysis,
      to generate QCD background and W candidates.
    3. regarding the simulated STAR W-->e responses overlay with the measured
      W candidates. The Pas gave a plot where the data points are different from
      what was in the paper. It was explained that different cuts were used. Just
      looking at the figure it appears that the matching quality between W+ and W-
      is not the same. The Pas should provide the figure using the cuts and data
      points that we intend to publish.
    4. for ET>50 GeV region one table listed 6 events with bad
      gain/saturation, and the actual tables only have 5 of them. We should have a
      consistent number listed.
    5. whether we should have 'first measurement' explicitly stated in the
      title of the paper – people have different opinions. My quick glance of the
      STAR papers showed no appearance of 'First' in the title of our published
      papers although we have a number of measurements would qualify for such.
      Bedanga can correct me if I missed a paper. My own preference will be to
      agree with Ernst that it is not a STAR style to explicitly claim 'First' in
      a STAR paper.

B) Update on the W x-section analysis

  1. Absolute lumi monitor ( final table, SN)
  2. changes in the algo:
    1. consider drop sPtBalance and go back to away ET cut>10 GeV, perhaps as function of 2x2 cluster ET (see this distributions )
  3. More tracking distributions - Justin blog

June 1, 2010


May 18, 2010


  1. Ongoing data analysis
    1. Vernier Scan/Luminosity
      Q: shall we remove this 5 runs:10096139, 10096140, 10097086, 10097088,
      10097090 from the spin sorting:
    2. TPC Simulation Tickets
      • HV - uploaded?
      • East/West TPC offset : ticket not even opened
    3. Mid-rapidity tracks - Justin pdf
    4. more ....
  2. Addressing GPC Questions: Origin of the background at ET>50 GeV
    1. Jan : spectra for culprit events pdf
    2. Justin :  Old filtered QCD MC comparison pdf
    3. single events & spectra

May 11, 2010


  1. Ongoing data analysis
    1. Vernier Scan/Luminosity - Resolved the dijet discrepancy by comparing to ZDC. pdf, blog
    2. TPC Simulation Tickets - Gene
    3. Theory Calculation - AL for Z Production - Bernd link
    4. More thoughts on tracking at mid-rapidity - Justin and Scott pdf
  1. Addressing GPC Questions
    1. TPC calibrations sufficiency - Joe very rough draft GPC presentation
    2. Electron purity - Who is going to make the slides?
    3. Background reduction/characterization -Justin draft GPC presentation
    4. Polarization - Jan's Email
    5. Rellumi - Jan's Email

May 4, 2010


  1. Ongoing data analysis
    1. Vernier Scan 
    2. TPC Simulation Tickets - Gene
    3. Theory Calculation - AL for Z Production - Bernd
    4. STAR Note update?
  1. Upcoming proceedings
    1. Moriond - Justin
    2. Lake Louise - Joe

April 27, 2010


  1. Ongoing data analysis
    1. Vernier Scan - BHT3coin and BHT3 agree, save 6% in the direction we want
    2. TPC Simulation Tickets - Gene
    3. (Attempt at) Understanding Track <z> distribution - Justin
    4. update on W-background model ?
    5. Theory Calculation - AL for Z Production - Bernd
  1. Status of papers from run 9
    1. W AL
    2. W x-section
      1. paper draft
      2. embedding
  2. Preparation to run 11, pp500
    1. Goals 
      1. acquire LT=100/pb w/ P=50% to tape (is ~20% higher than in BUR, lets balance pressure from IP3)  
      2. plot J-peak charge separated 1 month after W-trigger established
      3. determine AL for W+,-  in the Barrel and Endcap 
      4. publish only AL for W+,- 
      5. do not yield to the pressure of upcoming conferences, rather do the job once and do it right at the first time.
    2. timing in of calos & spin bits 
    3. L0 trigger
    4. L2 tagger 
    5. online monitoring
    6. human run QA concurrent with data taking
      1. revise key words describing problems
      2. generate automatic run list (the big CSV table)
      3. assign names & weeks for human QA, define stick and carrot
    7. preparation to daq files production :  ###  A='dirty' , B='preliminary', C='final'  (w/ support from Jerome)   
      1. time line:  A='near real time', B='end of May' , C='December 2011'
      2.  availability of TPC calibrations : A='2mm', B='as good as in run 9', C='final'
      3. beam line constrain
      4. availability of EMC calibrations: a) E+B towers, b) ESMD, c) anything else
      5. availability of computing resources:  Magellan/Cloud for A,B, RCF for C
      6. availability of disks for muDst :  ~50% on our institutional disks, 50% on RCF, may need to 'see' only half of muDst at given time, the rest on HPSS
      7. availability of manpower to harness the cloud:  Matt,Jan, Iwona(10%), Justin, Jerome is helping a lot
    8. do we need changes/upgrades to the BFC to better utilize Endcap info for tracking? 
    9. Low priority issues (work on those after all the above is in a good shape)
      1. Z-> ee x-section
      2. W A_N from the transverse period , theory talk @ RIKEN
      3.  dbar/ubar from unpol Ws
      4. ZB events & embedding
      5. vernier scan

December 1, 2010

Phone bridge : number 617-324-7374, time 5pm to 7pm , 10 lines


  1. [Dip problem resolved?|] - Joe
    # [First look at endcap Ws|] - Justin
    # Embedding and Production Update - All
    # [more about Endcap Ws |]h4. November 9, 2010

Phone bridge : number 617-324-7374, time 5pm to 7pm , 10 lines


  1. Paper has been resubmitted!
  2. TPC Calibration - Done! - Joe

October 26, 2010

Phone bridge : number 617-324-7374, time 5pm to 7pm , 10 lines

  1. GPC comments/resubmission to PRL of AL paper  - Bernd
  2. TPC Calibration - Joe
  3. Xsec paper figures - Joe, Scott, Justin
  4. BTOW scale decision - All
  5. AOB
    1. vernier scan note and luminosity numbers posted - Ross

October 19, 2010



  1. GPC comments/resubmission to PRL of AL paper  - Bernd
  2. BTOW Scale update - Justin
  3. will BSMD help in W reco? - Jan 
  4. Preparation for run11 - Joe
  5. Luminosity Monitoring for run11 - Ross
  6. AOB
    1. Draft DNP talk - Justin

October 12, 2010


  1. Referee Responses to AL paper  - Bernd
  2. Our first *real* citation  
  3. Ready to start embedding? - Jan, Joe, Justin
  4. Vernier scan note/systematics - Ross 

October 5, 2010


  1. Referee Responses to AL paper  - Bernd
  2. Update on investigation of BTOW scale: blog

September 14, 2010


  1.  W x-section paper
    1. Investigating BTOW scale:  E/p stuff  another idea

August 24, 2010


  1. W AL paper: corrections to Fig3 : Appendix G with yields , full SN ver 2.48
  2. W x-section paper (Table of tasks)
    1. Transverse Shower Leakage: Justin
    2. Renne expects official W-embedding request from spin PWG
  3. AOB

August 17, 2010

Present: Justin, Rosi, Jan, Gene, Joe, Ross

  1. W x-section paper (Table of tasks)
    1. Pythia simu : done, see table (Jan)
    2. absolute lumi, Ross
    3. BTOW Longitudinal Leakage: Justin
    4. add more ...
  2. AOB
  3. Announcements:
    1. W AL paper posted at RHIC, intended submission to PRL : August 23, 2010. Elapsed analysis time between end of data taking (April 13,2009) and submission to PRL will be 16.5 months. Lets do better for run 11 (smile)
    2. Joe is back

August 10, 2010

Present:Justin,Rosi, Ross, Bernd,Scott, Hal, Jan

  1. W AL paper, Bernd, ver 3.0
    most of comments from STAR collaboration were addressed, ready to sent to GPC again
  2. W x-section paper
    1. absolute lumi, Ross
      attempted new approach to estimate systematic error due to non-gaussianity, not converging yet, not sure if it ever will. Another idea of using deviation of chi2/dof from 1 as measure of syst error is investigated. The final table of integrated lumi per run (ver 4f) is attached to the drupal page.
    2. M-C simu: Justin, Jan
      EEss in dev, Lidia will tag it soon. Jan: pilot 1K even per sample will follow, with fixed single time stamp. Justin is working evaluation if EEss works properly.
    3. preliminary paper outline / motivation issues: Scott
      need to make decision soon if pol analysis are described in this paper.
    4. preliminary SN outline: Justin
    5. Willie resumed work on absolute BSMD calib based on run 9, we talk a lot, got air pressure values from Oleksandr, plot
    6. more ...
  3. Preparation for run 11:
    1. TPC working point for pp500 in run 11 Gene
  4. AOB

August 3, 2010

Present: Bernd, Rosi, Justin, Ross, Jan

  1. Carl's question about tau background for paper ver 2.0
    1. Short answer: NO, "Pythia does not include spin effects", Pythia 8.4, manual page 265
    2. Simu polarized tau decay at LHC Peskin, 2007 , page 17
    3. Pythia+TAUOLA example MC-TESTER , page 9
    4. TAUOLA, 2005 can be used w/ Pythia
    5. hadronic tau decay @ LHC
  2. TPC working point for pp500 in run 11 Gene
    1. how do I convert the X-axis in to instantaneous luminosity?
    2. how do I convert the Y-axis in to separation between +/- charge for high pT tracks.
    3. how can I infer loss of efficiency (and reco pT degradation) due to lost not-deconvoluted clusters.
  3. more on BG(eta) from run 9 , Jan
  4. status of EEMC slow simu
  5. run 11 preparation: FOM , Jan

July 27, 2010

Present: Ross,Hal,Rosi,Justin,Scott,Jan

  • Task for W x-section tasks & assignments
    We went thought the task list, few milestones and dates will be added.
    Hal raised question if details of the spin analysis will be part of the x-section paper.
    Pro: if we skip it now and have AL PRL paper from run 11 the details will be never published,
    Cons: many systematic studies of AL will show up much better on expected 5x larger stats from run 11
    No decision was made
  • Evaluation of absolute BTOW calibration blog
    Scott proposed mechanism for E/P=1 for di-jet comes from jets w/ leading pi+/- converting in to pi0 in EMC - we talk ~hour about likelihood of this.
  • Next W phone will be in 2 weeks on August 10.
  • W AL paper: latest ver 2.0


Summer break


June 8, 2010

A) Improve communication between PAs & GPC

  1. Are all questions below understood and people working on them?
  2. Will we have written answer for GPC ready (few days) before Friday (or should we ask for one more week) ?
  3. Most of GPS questions relate to W-reco , not AL(W). Are we preparing W-reco SN or beef up existing AL AN (and likely forgo the W x-section paper ) ?
  4. Shall we remove word 'first' as advised?
  5. Below is list of questions/comments from GPC (sent on June 5, 2010):
    1. the distribution of difference between EMC cluster center and the TPC
      track for + and - tracks:
      Need to check the distributions with signed distance, and separate
      xy and z directions.
      Need to check the distributions for W+- candidates only
      The effect of the cut on this quantity is probably small in terms of
      efficiency difference between + and - candidates. But it will be good to get
      an estimated number on this.
      These distributions will provide a good quantitative measure on how
      well the TPC calibration is. Once we know the difference for + and - tracks,
      we could estimate the magnitude on possible momentum distortions for tracks.
      We can estimate the effect of this distortion in real data.
    2. the sPtBalance vs awayside-Pt figures do show that the correlation
      depends on ET of the candidates. The Pas are asked to impose an awayside-Pt
      (15 GeV/c or 20 GeV/c), and use the same procedure as the current analysis,
      to generate QCD background and W candidates.
    3. regarding the simulated STAR W-->e responses overlay with the measured
      W candidates. The Pas gave a plot where the data points are different from
      what was in the paper. It was explained that different cuts were used. Just
      looking at the figure it appears that the matching quality between W+ and W-
      is not the same. The Pas should provide the figure using the cuts and data
      points that we intend to publish.
    4. for ET>50 GeV region one table listed 6 events with bad
      gain/saturation, and the actual tables only have 5 of them. We should have a
      consistent number listed.
    5. whether we should have 'first measurement' explicitly stated in the
      title of the paper – people have different opinions. My quick glance of the
      STAR papers showed no appearance of 'First' in the title of our published
      papers although we have a number of measurements would qualify for such.
      Bedanga can correct me if I missed a paper. My own preference will be to
      agree with Ernst that it is not a STAR style to explicitly claim 'First' in
      a STAR paper.

B) Update on the W x-section analysis

  1. Absolute lumi monitor ( final table, SN)
  2. changes in the algo:
    1. consider drop sPtBalance and go back to away ET cut>10 GeV, perhaps as function of 2x2 cluster ET (see this distributions )
  3. More tracking distributions - Justin blog

June 1, 2010


May 18, 2010


  1. Ongoing data analysis
    1. Vernier Scan/Luminosity
      Q: shall we remove this 5 runs:10096139, 10096140, 10097086, 10097088,
      10097090 from the spin sorting:
    2. TPC Simulation Tickets
      • HV - uploaded?
      • East/West TPC offset : ticket not even opened
    3. Mid-rapidity tracks - Justin pdf
    4. more ....
  2. Addressing GPC Questions: Origin of the background at ET>50 GeV
    1. Jan : spectra for culprit events pdf
    2. Justin :  Old filtered QCD MC comparison pdf
    3. single events & spectra

May 11, 2010


  1. Ongoing data analysis
    1. Vernier Scan/Luminosity - Resolved the dijet discrepancy by comparing to ZDC. pdf, blog
    2. TPC Simulation Tickets - Gene
    3. Theory Calculation - AL for Z Production - Bernd link
    4. More thoughts on tracking at mid-rapidity - Justin and Scott pdf
  1. Addressing GPC Questions
    1. TPC calibrations sufficiency - Joe very rough draft GPC presentation
    2. Electron purity - Who is going to make the slides?
    3. Background reduction/characterization -Justin draft GPC presentation
    4. Polarization - Jan's Email
    5. Rellumi - Jan's Email

May 4


, 2010


  1. Ongoing data analysis
    1. Vernier Scan - Ross - Shift in early runs between BHT3coin and BHT3 luminosityScan 
    2. TPC Simulation Tickets - Gene
    3. Theory Calculation - AL for Z Production - Bernd
    4. Z Background Treatment in AL Calculation - Joe, Justin


    1. STAR Note update?
  1. Upcoming proceedings
    1. Moriond - Justin
    2. Lake Louise - Joe

April 27, 2010


  1. Ongoing data analysis
    1. Vernier Scan - BHT3coin and BHT3 agree, save 6% in the direction we want
    2. TPC Simulation Tickets - Gene
    3. (Attempt at) Understanding Track <z> distribution - Justin
    4. update on W-background model ?
    5. Theory Calculation - AL for Z Production - Bernd

April 20, 2010


  1. Ongoing data analysis
    1. Vernier Scan - Ross - Shift in early runs between BHT3coin and BHT3 luminosity
    2. TPC Simulation Tickets - Gene
    3. Theory Calculation - AL for Z Production - Bernd
    4. Z Background Treatment in AL Calculation - Joe, Justin

April 13, 2010


  1. Ongoing data analysis
    1. vernier scan - Ross Q: when presentation to vernier scan - Ross Q: when presentation to spin PWG
    2. BTOW calibration - Matt E/P pp200 Run 9, Q: target date for DB upload
    3. TPC response (data/MC) - preparation for embedding , Justin
    4. embedding request status -Q: do we have concise writeup? When will it be presented to spin PWG?
    5. theory : x-section and AL fro p+p --> Z - Bernd
    6. removing Z's from data-driven background - Justin
  2. Papers
    1. W AL paper
      1. revised background estimate - Joe : equations, analysis, SN update
      2. summary of GPC presentation - Bernd
      3. Q: what do show at spin PWG on Thursday ?
    2. W x-section paper : what are next milestones (who is responsible, dates)
  3. AOB


  1. Ongoing data analysis
    1. vernier scan - Ross -nothing
    2. revised background estimate (using signed pT balance cut) - Joe ?
    3. add more ...
  2. Papers
    1. W AL paper home page: PRL ver 1.0 , STAR Note ver 2.00
    2. W x-section paper : where are we?
  3. AOB
  4. upcoming talks during STAR collaboration meetings:
    1. Justin: Junior day
    2. Bernd/Jan: presentation of W AL paper to spin PWG & asking for GPC
    3. Jan : plenary talk on Ws from run 9

March 9, 2010

Phone bridge *number: 617 452 2163* , time 5pm to 6:30 pm , 10 lines


Present: Ross, Ilya, Justin,Jan,Scott

  • computing absolute lumi and W xSection. I think it is time to just do it , show, criticize, do it again.
    -newer table of luminosity
    -first look at efficiencies blog
  • theory calculation - lets start to plot it on the xSection
  • QA of non-embedding M-C: ilya drupal
  • update on fill polarization - are we waiting on new values or just on the summary table from Bernd

January 5, 2010

Phone bridge number: 617-452-2163 , time 5pm to 6+pm ,


  1. TPC - Gene reported slewing correction for clusters is in DB. T0 should be in DB at the end of the week. Then we can ask for re-production of one fill to see if tracking efficiency improved at Z~0
  2. PPV - status of evaluation of SL09b production - no report
  3. Vernier scan - Ross
    • formula computing BBC xsection seems to be complete now. For a low lumi fill in pp500 the computed BBC xsection is 26mb - close to the value know for pp200
    • Q: what do we expect for BBC xsection at 500 GeV - answer is unknown
    • the linear formula can't be applied for regular fills when BBC is saturated, Hal suggested using more advanced approach counting bXings w/o rate, using zero of Poisson distribution. LINK SHOULD BE HERE
    • BHT3 x-section : results of fit with noisy patches removed Conclusion: background reduces but not vanishes. Comparison for other vernier scan will be made, estimation of error in determination of xSection due to non vanishing background will be made
  4. BTOW calibration
    • relative -Joe - link , is completed. Write-up was sent to emc2-hn for comments.
    • absolute -Matt, will be performed shortly using Joe's relative gains.
  5. Wiki MarkupUnderstanding QCD Understanding QCD e+/e\- ratio at ET \ [15,20\] GeV - Scott.
    • Plan: use Pythia events and simplified W-algo to determine the ratio of high pT particles with positive/negative charge.
    • Manpower: not assigned.
  6. Status of W analysis:
    1. Joe detailed presentation of alternative W-algo, run 9 data & M-C - link. Results are consistent with Jan's analysis. 2 independent algos leading to similar output improve confidence in the result.
    2. Jan's ver 4.2 : bug fix, upgrade, answers to questions after last week spin PWG presentation , slides
    3. Justin : using ETOW in W-algo improves S/B in ET~20 GeV region, allows background estimation for di-jets escaping through not existing East endcap.
  7. Layout of paper 1: Draft: Files: Bernd
    • Bernd will oversee the latex files, complete version will be posted in spin/protected/ area at THIS LOCATION
    • Assigned chapters: Intro+RHIC : Bernd; STAR : Scott; Lumi : Ross; Trigger : Jan
    • We hope to have them written by next week.
  8. Announcements
    • Hal finished run QA for fills: 10403, 10404, 10407, 10412.


  1. TPC, Gene:
    • non-linear SC(lumi) should provide TPC track accuracy of 2 mm at both ends of the track. We hope Joe will work on this next week, should take a week.
    • We could also use Gene's PCA method of finding a linear combination of scalers (each at first order).
    • since linear SC(lumi) was tuned to lumi equivalent to ZDC base rate of 70kHz, any pp500 run taken at the ZDC rate has current best TPC calibration. Jan: I'll use it for beam line constrain study, see below.
    • Wiki Markup*beam line constrain* : plan A is Rosi & Jan succeed with 3D beam line fit to global tracks w/o intermediate vertex finding. Here are \ [[Media:Beamline-v3.pdf |details of the algo]\] as intended and not implemented. If this works Gene needs a \ ~day to produce beam line constrain for all 39 fills. Plane B is to use Minuit vertex finder which may require significant stats to overcome jitter due to pileup tracks. In such case we would need to provide manpower for \ ~week long job, Gene would only supervise it. Jan: lets go for plan A.
    • conclusion: once both items are resolved we can ask for production, perhaps 2 weeks from now.
  2. BTOW, ETOW gains - no progress.unmigrated-wiki-markup
  3. BSMD : Willie is working '''slopes for individual strips'''. He run over 10k VPD-minB events and got this \[ [Media:BSMD-strips-Picture 16.png|2D plot of module 119]\] and spectra \ [[Media:BSMD-strips-Picture 15.png |individual strips]\]. The available 1.5M vpd-minB events should be enough to fit every strip. If not we will merge strips.
  4. Wiki MarkupBSMD geometry: Scott asked how well we know '''relative position of BSMD vs. TPC'''. It is [followed up on emc2-hn |]. <p> Scott once did \[. <p> Scott once did [Media:Conversions-distace-Scott.pdf &#124; | simple calculation for photons that convert to e+/e&#45; pairs&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;\||]\] in the SVT, attached. <br>The relevant equation is on the bottom left. For the W -> e, we have r_1 = 0, r_2 = 2.3 m (approximate radius of BSMD planes), and B = 0.5 T. With these numbers, you get the simple relation<br> dPhi (cm) = 40 / pT (GeV)<br>For example, an electron of 40 GeV pT will deflect in the phi direction by 1 cm relative to the same e- of infinite pT. This is probably good to better than a few - pairs||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||\] in the SVT, attached. <br>The relevant equation is on the bottom left. For the W > e, we have r_1 = 0, r_2 = 2.3 m (approximate radius of BSMD planes), and B = 0.5 T. With these numbers, you get the simple relation<br> dPhi (cm) = 40 / pT (GeV)<br>For example, an electron of 40 GeV pT will deflect in the phi direction by 1 cm relative to the same e of infinite pT. This is probably good to better than a few %.
  5. run QA : Scott is working on his fills.
