Prototype Photos
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| Image Added |
usage with device tree (task 1). Graph is zoomed and dotted line shows predicted usage. |
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| Image Added Viewing power |
usage with device list (task 1). Graph is in default state, showing monthly usage. |
Column |
| Image Added Changing device settings (task 2). Dotted line shows predicted usage after saving new settings. |
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| Image Added Viewing stored power with device tree (task 3). |
Graph shows daily storage. |
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| Image Added Selling power (task 3). |
Graph shows grid pricing information. |
The purpose of the application is to use emerging Smart Grid technologies to help home users manage their electrical devices more efficiently – reduce energy consumption, lower cost, and make profit.
| Round 1
| Round 2
Device tree tab selected Usage tab selected |
Figure 1.1: Daily view
| Figure 1.2: Yearly view |
In round 2 we added a "sell power" button to each device. |
Figure 2.1: Storage view
The image above shows the storage view in round 1, before the "sell power" button was added for each device in the table.
| Figure 2.2: Storage device table vs usage device table in round 2
The image above shows the device tables for "storage" (on the bottom) view and "usage" view (the top table), illustrating the similarity between the two tables.
Transaction scheduling
Figure 3.1: Transaction scheduling 1
| Figure 3.2 Transaction scheduling 2
Monthly view
Figure 4.1: Monthly view 1
| Figure 4.2: Monthly view 2
Round 1: setpoint and transaction scheduling
Round 2: new graph specific features added before round 2
| Figure 5.1.1: Setpoint
Figure 5.1.2: Scheduling transactions | Figure 5.2.1: Power usage estimate for today
The green dashed line in Figure 5.2.1 above, shows the estimated power usage for the next 6 hours (based on grid pricing and previous usage patterns).
Figure 5.2.2: Power usage estimate for this month
The dotted line in figure 5.2.2 shows the predicted usage values for a short period after the current time.
Figure 5.2.3: Graph average
Figure 5.2.3 above shows the horizontal dotted line with a label showing the average for the graph, as described in the "Between Round 1 and Round 2" section.
Figure 5.2.4: Graph average and power usage estimate
The images above show the graph changes we made for round 2.
After Round 2
- Prototype Pictures
The table below shows the changes we made based on the user feedback in Round 2.