Thalia Support Documents:How to Provide Support to Thalia's Customers How to Provision a New Thalia Domain How to Create a Demo Account How to Update Thalia's Space Stats Thalia User Help Thalia Quickstart Videos Thalia RT Queues and E-mail ListsRT Queues and E-mail Lists
Terms of Service Thalia Known Issues Thalia Release Communications }
h4. Thalia Support Documents:
*Thalia User Support:*
* [Thalia User Help|]
* [About Thalia User Help|Thalia User Help]
* Thalia FAQ
* [Thalia Known Issues|]
* [Thalia RT Queues and E-mail Lists (needs to be updated)]
*Thalia Training Videos:*
* [About Thalia's training videos|List of Quickstart Videos]
Demo Accounts:
* How to create a demo account.
*Thalia New Domain Provisioning:*[a. New Thalia Domain Qualification (internal)]
[a. New Thalia Domain Qualification (internal)]
* New Customer Query Documents:
** [Preliminary FAQ for Potential Thalia Customers|b. FAQ for customers considering Thalia]
** [Preliminary Questionnaire for Potential Customers|c. Preliminary Questionnaire]
** [d. Follow-up Email to Prelim Questionnaire]
** [Customer Requirements for new domains|Customer Requirements]
* [Welcome to Your New Thalia Domain Letter|f. Welcome to Your New Domain]
*[Thalia Release Communications]*
* [Example|Thalia Release Communications] of release communique, and explanation.
*[*Thalia Service Level Agreement*|Thalia Service Level Agreements]*
[Terms of Service |Thalia Service Agreement]\\
*How to Respond to a query for help from a customer:*
*• * User should ask their domain admin for help first.
• Customer Emails request to RTqueue.
• Customer advocate answers all help requests, pulls in developers expertise when necessary.
*How to Document features customers ask for:*
• Request come in via RTqueue
• Customer person reviews, thanks customer.
o Determines if request is for a new feature
o Consults with developers if feature is technically possible
o Submits as a JIRA issue
*How to Set up training for a customer:*
• Send a request to the RTqueue
• Customer advocate answers, consults with higher-ups to ask about setting up training