1. Deep Sea and International Waters
A. Species Present
.5 - 1 million species estimated;
Wiki Markup
Macroscopic - mostly billfishes, cetaceans (whales, dolphins, porpoises), seabirds, sharks, and tunas
Microscopic - mostly planktons (phytoplankton \ [photosynthesis-dependent\], zooplankton, baceteriaplakton
Deep sea coral reefs support "diverse assemblages of marine life"
B. Fished Species
Concentrate effort on finding effects on climate change for these:
- The overturning of the currents that stabilize climate is suspected to change in the near future.
- The increasing melting of ice produces snowballing effects; white ice reflects the sun's rays, while bare ocean absorbs rays; this will create more freshwater in the arctic, potentially slowing Antarctic circulation.
- Basic predictions of global warming predict the interruption of the "global conveyor" - current systems .
- Predictions of when major changes will occur ranges from a couple decades to a century.
E. Effects of Projected Climate Change