One week before departure up until the penultimate day:
- Move all folders and emails in your Exchange account (username@mit.edu or username@exchange.mit.edu) to the local "On My Mac" section on the left column list in Apple Mail. All emails placed on "On My Mac" are local to the machine and will enable us to easily migrate these emails from your Mac account to the new employee's account. This means that they're no longer in your Exchange email and only on the Mac. Their presence in this location makes it easy for us to grab the folders and emails and copy them to a new user account for set up in the new employee's emailForward or save as file any emails that the supervisor wants saved for the replacement employee.
- Create a folder on your Mac's Desktop called "Files To New Employee" and put any and all files/or folders you would like your replacement to have into that folder.
- If you have any files in Dropbox that belong to your DLC, ask your supervisor how they would like those files preserved.
- Document for the new employee all special steps to any programs you use, especially to server volumes and databasesthey need to exercise in fulfillment of specific job functions.
On the LAST DAY:
- Log out of all Apple IDs and Microsoft Online Accounts on your MIT owned computers. This step is critical. Log out of all Apple IDs and MS Online accounts. If you never logged in to the computer with either then you're all set.
- If your new job is still at MIT and you are not allowed to take your computer with you to your new job, you must log out of your Adobe Creative Cloud account or you will permanently lose of the two installations the Adobe CC license permits you.
- Record Write all usernames and passwords on paper for your
- local computer account logins
- area gmail (or other third party non-MIT Exchange) calendar
- database access
- file server access
- access, and database and server access. Do not give out your MIT Kerberos password.
- Give a copy of this the list of passwords in step 3 to your supervisor as well as the new employee (if they need it). These passwords will be critical in maintaining key chains on the Mac account if this is desired. There are some instances where you don't want to do this especially if the keychains are tied to an MIT Kerberos account that will eventually be expired. We definitely won't need your kerberos password, so you don't need to include that one.be).
- Run a final backup of your machine if you're using Time Machine or , Windows Backup.
On the new employee's First Day:
- , or Crashplan.
- Log into O365 Email and set your auto-responder to let anyone who emails you know that you have left the position and who they should contact going forward.
- Create the new user's computer account (if the new user is a temp, we may be asked not to create a new user account). In the event the user is a temp and will use the same account, we will rename the account for the new user.
- If an account is created for the new user, they can also keep using the old user account to access certain files should they need.
- Obtain Certificates for the new user at https://mv-ezproxy-com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/ca/ in the browser they would need.
- If a new user account is created, copy the folder "Files To New Employee" to the Documents folder of the new employee's user account.
- If a new user account is created, copy appropriate local email folders from the old user's account in Macintosh HD/Users/username/Library/Mail/V2/Mailboxes (where username is the user's Mac account name) on the Mac to the new user's email account folder in the new user's Mac account "Library/Mai/V2/Mailboxes/" folder.
- Launch Apple Mail in the new user's account to build the index from the old emails. After it does this, add the new user's email account settings.
- If the machine is running Mac OS 10.9: http://kb.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/confluence/display/istcontrib/Setup+OS+X+10.9+%28Mavericks%29+Mail%2C+Calendars%2C+Contacts+and+Notes+for+MIT%27s+Exchange+Environment
- If the machine is running Mac OS 10.8: http://kb.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/confluence/display/istcontrib/Setup+OS+X+10.8+%28Mountain+Lion%29+Mail+6.x,+Calendars,+Contacts+and+Notes+for+MIT%27s+Exchange+environment If the machine is running Mac OS 10.7: http://kb.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/confluence/display/istcontrib/Set+up+Mac+OS+X+10.7+%28Lion%29+Mail+5.x,+iCal+and+Address+Book+for+MIT%27s+Exchange+environment