Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.


on isda-build1, there is a directory /home/isdasnap/ 

1. th-1446: communicate the manage domain changes to the user. Put it in the release notes (done by Jeanne)


war file is  thalia/thalia1.0-sprint7/target/ROOT.war

help is help

about is about

quickstart is quickstart

The group support file is checked out under groups/setupgroups. See step 2 for setup details.

Key installation steps: 

12. set up touchstone on the ime servers (isda-thalia5 and 8): please see the touchstone setup instruction in

32. set up group support on the alfresco server (isda-thalia6): please see the group setup in

43. get rid of all the mod-rewrites rules on 5 and 8

4. deploy the new war

5. deploy the new help, about, and quickstart.

Robin and I will be online that night tonight to assit and verify the release.
