Links to drawings, sketches, and CAD files related to the DarkLight@ARIEL experiment.
Permanent Magnet Quadrupole - 20240826 - Douglas Hasell
Vacuum chambers with particle trajectories - 20231215 - Douglas Hasell
Detailed cut away view of GEM - 20231214 - Douglas Hasell
Sketch of Dipole XY and YZ - 20230217 - Douglas Hasell
Step file of DarkLight Dipole - 20230210 - Chris Vidal
Flange coordinates - 20230201 - Chris Vidal
Step file of DarkLight Dipole - 20230124 - Danielle Peterson
Step file of DarkLight Dipole - 20221201 - Chris Vidal
Step file of DarkLight Layout - 20221014 - Chris Vidal
DarkLight Layout - 20221005 - Douglas Hasell
Layout of ARIEL Beamline - 20221005 - Stephanie Radel
Beam Envelop before Beam Dump - 20220927 - Aveen Mahon
Drawings for trigger scintillator - 20220916 - Mike Hasinoff
Sketches for Dipole Magnet - 20220904 - Douglas Hasell
Permanent magnet quadrupole - 20220825 - Kate Pachal
Slides on design of slim quadrupoles - 20220609 - Harald Merkel
CAD Design for slim quadrupole - 20220609 - Harald Merkel
Sketches of quadrupole and spectrometers up stream of beam dump - 20220526 - Chris Vidal
CAD design for spectrometer magnet - 20220428 - Harald Merkel
Drawings upstream of beam dump - 20220415 - Bob Landal
Drawings with magnet at target location - 20220411 - Chris Vidal