Consider centralizing all your mail accounts with Gmail. The best thing about Gmail is its search function...you can archive all your emails and search for them quickly and easily. Currently, Gmail provides approximately 3 gigs of storage.
One suggested To-Do list
To-do lists are awesome. There's something magical about writing down tasks (actionable tasks) on a piece of paper in list format, carry them around you, and checking them off. Done properly, and they feed on one another, creating a virtuous cycle of organization and productivity. Below's a suggestion for having a non-digital pdf solution (fast, simple and easy) task-holder, which works wonders if used (or carried around) consistently:
- get a small notebook you like (smaller than A4 but bigger than pocket book)
- the first page is labeled Tasks.
- Everytime you think of an action item to do, put a date on the left hand side and write the item on one list
- reiterate as you go
- draw one line across tasks as you do them
- if you are waiting on something (reply from someone or action from someone else), mark an "X" to the far right side of the page, next to the task. (allows for easy scanning of waiting for tasks)
Its incredibly simple, but effective. The more you write down, the less you need to remember and waste energy thinking/storing tasks in your brain. Try this easy solution out: your life will be less stressful and you'll be more productive!