Versions Compared


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Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.


TH-139:     allow special characters in custom metadata names (
TH-370:    the subcategory box is prepopulated in advanced search (
TH-166:    when displaying item tags, should display both category and tag (
TH-260:    Improve Extended Metadata UI (
TH-153:    Manage tags should also use typeahead text with tag selector (
TH-134:    After deleting a tag in the Manage Tags section, tag still appears in list. (
TH-122:    Search for multiple tags (extended metadata) (
TH-446:    Tags seem to vanish from groups of items (
TH-408:    Cannot tell that refresh has taken user to new Album/Slideshow if created while Album/Slideshow tabs are closed (
TH-389:    Navigator should scroll to make newly selected items visible (
TH-424:    clicking & dragging files the Navigator Scroll Bar does not always scroll (
TH-397:    The "download contact sheet" button should be enabled for libraries the user have read access also (

Part 2 (Not yet releasedDecember 26, 2007)

TH-274:     UI needs case-insensitive value comparison in drop-down lists (
TH-441:     Metadata pane not refreshing tags between items, particularly when selecting multiple items (
TH-165:     Rights field not displaying if data does not match one of the options (
TH-322:     search criteria doesn't refresh when you move from one saved search to another
TH-147:     Search "Refine Results" does not work from saved search
TH-112:     Thalia website
TH-139:     When special characters are in tag name, ""integrity error"" is reported"
TH-160:     bulk upload doesn't handle special characters in category"
TH-372:     confusing behavior when changing a read-only album
TH-67:     In MAC OS X/Safari V2.0.4, saving to the backend broken.
TH-343:     Make Thalia work on Safari
TH-76:    In MAC OS X/Safari V2.0.4, message did not display that Library could not be deleted even though library was not deleted.
TH-260:     Improve Extended Metadata UI
TH-443:     'Get info' button sometimes displays unexpected info moving file Library to Library
TH-380:     Switching too soon TO the Library items are being copied/moved to stops copy/move operation
TH-392:     During a bulk upload, if I click on another library, I get a msg "there was a problem with this import"
TH-448:     The same Category Tag appears twice
TH-447:     Custom tags - when duplicated, appear to add themselves to all items in all Libraries
TH-442:     file names remain in the main window randomly
TH-435:     Navigator behavior is inconsistent: where user is taken after dragging items to L/A/SS to/from L/A/SS depends upon the source and the destination of the moved item.
TH-421:     library summary information is incomplete unless library has non-zero number of items and has finished loading
TH-379:     Library refresh is confusing
TH-297:     please document the continuum set up in wiki
TH-425:     >10 free form tags does not produce an error nor is user warned on screen
TH-441:     Metadata pane does not refresh between items, or between Libraries - affects Tag information on multiple items
TH-397:     The "download contact sheet" button should be enabled for libraries the user have read access also
TH-165:     The rights field is not displayed correctly for HST if the field value doesn't match one of the options
TH-438:     Error message improvement - when trying to download a deleted item from an Album
TH-274:     UI is not displaying storage value for PSB (because "cd" != "CD")
TH-153:     Manage tags should also use typeahead text with tag selector

Part 3 (December 28, 2007)
TH-459:     Metadata changes itself in Search and Saved Search/ Refresh problem?
TH-461:     Title is required field. NOTE: this is a partial fix, as entering only whitespace is still allowed, and should not be
Custom metadata fields in upload screen now are enabled, and testable

Part 4 (January 2, 2008)
TH-464    Flash error and program slowdown/stop when switching between Library and Manage Metadata pane
TH-492     Cannot rename item in Album - error message "This is a required field. Please enter a title for value and try again."

Part 5 (January 2, 2008)
TH-487       Custom Metadata doesn't all show in info pane; it is there and can be searched on, but cannot be seen until some is deleted
TH-483     while loading Search Results, it would be nice if italic "loading..." message appeared (like it does when loading files for Lib/Alb)
TH-456     Bulk upload manually entered metadata does not save
TH-479     'New Search' button doesn't seem to work on Advanced Search/Refine Results screen

Part 6 (January 8, 2008)
TH-142: Can't upload 2GB file - errors
TH-174: Can not upload single image when a bulk upload is in process
TH-504: upload fails if edit/change Library name during upload (bulk & single uploads)
TH-309: Upload single: "completed" message reappears during new upload
TH-287: Add status information during photo uploads
TH-288: Need clearer language in upload confirmation message
TH-234: Upload interface is confusing to users
TH-283: Bulk upload: reset all fields when starting a new upload
TH-285: Bulk upload: default to "specify metadata"
TH-301: Bulk Upload screen suggestions
TH-485: Upload metadata pane (individual or bulk) shows last viewed custom metadata when it should show just empty fields [non-issue because of above changes]
TH-495: "More" button for Advanced Search does not clear previous search terms
TH-494: Hit Enter key to add free-form Tags; appears to wipe out just entered text; actually adds tags but the user cannot tell
TH-472: Item urls should no longer be stored in displaymaps, should be constructed from the itemid
TH-460: Contact Sheet; cannot download item that has no file name
TH-469: Change permission options to 'viewer' and 'collaborator' for album and slideshow
TH-498: Information Pane - multiple item edit will not allow Title to be left blank; error - Title is a required field
TH-479: 'New Search' button doesn't seem to work on Advanced Search/Refine Results screen
TH-153: Manage tags should also use typeahead text with tag selector
TH-416:    Improve user friendliness with regard to deleted Items
TH-401:    Deleted Items shows 'preview not available' instead of 'item not available'

Part 7 (January 11, 2008)

Access Control changes are all in. Please read the access control design notes at
and give it a vigorous test.
TH-470: Dragging items to albums/slideshows, will need to add some additional access checks per new access control design"
TH-468: Add 'batch permissions' option in library, album, search results and slideshow (not sure about slideshow)"
TH-477: >10 freeform tags error message should remain visible longer (currently disappears after 5 sec)
TH-505: Can't see "Title is a required field" error message when pane is scrolled to bottom
TH-506: "Title is a required field" error message should last longer.
TH-517: Update map code so it does not save item urls"
TH-516: Make img urls in contact sheet be dynamically created"
TH-362: Odd error message received moving file from Lib w/ Read/Download to Lib w/ Write/Admin permissions
TH-372: confusing behavior when changing a read-only album
TH-495: "More" button for Advanced Search does not clear previous search terms
TH-438: Error message improvement - when trying to download a deleted item from an Album
TH-524: thumbnail preview doesn't display correctly for odd file types
TH-420: add image to library doesn't change its modification date.
TH-245: allow user to do access control on item level
TH-169: bulk upload failures should be handled more gracefully

TH-191: Options and keyboard control for slideshow player
TH-210: Slideshows should look consistent, not change by user Permissions
TH-283: Bulk upload: reset all fields when starting a new upload
TH-284: Need more tool tips in navigation
TH-327: can't play slideshow when logged in as admin
TH-330: Removal of image from a slide results in the image not staying "removed"
TH-334: Image cannot be removed from a slide unless the image is replaced with another image or the slide itself is moved or deleted
TH-476: Remove 'Create New Library' functionality from Bulk Upload screen
TH-512: Version field should cycle through build info rather than display it all at once (now with BUILD: label)
TH-518: Empty drop spots in slides aren't left empty
TH-521: Create "Share Album" image to replace "Share Collection"

Part 8 (January 14, 2008)

TH-544: Update maven so it creates folder of downloadable_slideshow lzx files and puts them in the IME
TH-537: Item info, title, description, metadata: of last viewed item remain when editing multiple items - and will save themselves to multiple item edit
TH-548: The bulk download feature should include the file name in the data.xml
TH-542: User with Read &/or Download permissions appear to be able to delete Slides & items in Image Palette
TH-541: No Thumbnail view in Album or Slideshow: in any Album or Slideshow created in S4.V7
TH-508: Java for downloadable slideshow
TH-500: give users the ability to add Custom Metadata to zip archive metadata.txt

Part 9 (January 16, 2008)
TH-536: Ability to switch from Bulk Upload pane back to Single Upload pane
TH-554: Item Share pane shows last viewed permissions - even if they don't apply to the currently viewed item
TH-563: User with Library downloader permission cannot download any items.
TH-567: User with Library downloader permission cannot download Contact Sheet
TH-398: metrics output utility program should include disk usage
TH-555: Error message received, " has received an incorrect or unexpected message. Error Code: -12227"

Part 10 (January 17, 2008)
TH-139: When special characters are in tag name, ""integrity error"" is reported
TH-186: New Functionality: add ability to download Slideshows
TH-442: file names remain in the main window randomly
TH-538: Item info pane in Search: Edit Multiple Items warning shows on Search info pane
TH-547: Add a 3rd radio button defaulting to 'No Metadata' for Bulk Upload screen Metadata section
TH-566: Cannot Edit Item info in Library with writer permission
TH-570: Access - User can NOT drag item from Read only Album to private Album/Slideshow
TH-574: Cannot add tags to multiple items
TH-576: semicolon in metadata.txt adds "x003b" as custom metadata during bulk upload
TH-577: metadata.txt with special characters in header row adds odd custom metadata during bulk upload

Part 11 (January 18, 2008)
TH-591: Search cannot find items that exist only in Album or Slideshow
TH-533: Item highlight: keep item highlighted after editing.
TH-594: Show owner of library, album or slideshow
TH-592: Improve error message when dragging to an album/slideshow is not accepted
TH-571: Album: Item info cannot be seen by ADMIN user in any level of Album - Read/Collaborate/Owned
TH-539: No information available for files displaying "Item No Longer Available" - should there be Title? Description?
TH-575: Multiple problems displaying item info in an album
TH-580: Album Share Pane: label the Album owner "Owner" rather than "Collaborator"
TH-556: Item Share Pane: should give some hint as to what the Library permissions are
TH-565: Need to check authz on item when selecting single item in thumbnail view, as item may have custom permissions
TH-576: semicolon in metadata.txt adds "x003b" as custom metadata during bulk upload
TH-577: metadata.txt with special characters in header row adds odd custom metadata during bulk upload
*Please review improved icon behaviordescription, that is part of this release.

 Part 12 (January 22, 2008)

th-607: free form tagging vanishes if the item is copied to a new library
TH-525: Upload, single and multiple: clear button does not clear Custom Metadata choices
TH-527:can't reproduce Info screen data for newly uploaded file(s) does not appear correctly for a while (needs Refresh)
TH-554: Item Share pane shows last viewed permissions - even if they don't apply to the currently viewed item
TH-559: Custom Metadata is not cleared when new Upload is begun
TH-560: File Titles / metadata missing from bulk upload files in newly created Library - files still processing?
TH-579: Album Collaborator cannot drag item to Unshared personal Album/Slideshow
TH-583: Library permissions, why don't files default to showing the same rights for same users? this may not be a bug
TH-585: Custom metadata does not remain for second upload (single & bulk upload)
TH-586: Dublin Core & Free-Form metadata entered from first upload does not remain for second upload (single & bulk upload)
TH-596: Custom metadata is not appearing when added to metadata.txt
TH-599: display Owner field in prominent place in both Information & Sharing windows: Lib / Alb / SS / Search / Item
TH-604: Album Info Pane: Tag and Metadata Info don't always show up
TH-605: Album Info Pane shows no tag or metadata"
TH-609: Access Loophole: Read only item in a Write Library can be edited and downloaded
TH-610: Access Control - Share button is disabled in Album
TH-611: Library Permissions override item's permissions, except when the item's permissions override the Library's.
TH-615: Mac only: cannot add Custom metadata

Part 13 (January 23, 2008)
TH-502: Add MIT license to all UI source files
TH-519:"Not authorized to view this item": these items can be enlarged and seen in Album and Slideshow and Contact Sheet
TH-545: Download multiple items
TH-548: The bulk download feature should include the file name in the data.xml
TH-585: Custom metadata does not remain for second upload (single & bulk upload)
TH-589: Contact sheet for Libraries can't download thumbnails
TH-595: Get rid of widow in error message
TH-606: Album vanishes if it is renamed with a numeral at the beginning - "1Album"
TH-618: Include area name next displayed folder name at top of screen: "Library:", "Album:", "Slideshow:" or "Saved Search:'
TH-619: Should top display "# items" (instead of "# images") ?
TH-620: Upload: Custom Metadata appears to clear but adds itself to the next uploaded item
TH-622: In the item sharing window, we need to display the item owner as well as the library owner to avoid confusion
TH-623: The custom metadata value should be sorted to provide easier access
TH-624: buttons in the items window should be enabled or disabled based on item's permissions
TH-628: Item 'owner' is not listed in Library & Album> Item> Share screen
TH-626: some Custom metadata missing from Bulk Upload with metadata.txt
TH-627: metadata.txt file can not create Custom metadata Field via bulk upload

*TH-147: NOT FIXED. Commented out the refine results button in search, as the feature is significantly broken, and there is insufficient time to fix. Moved this issue out to codfish.

Part 14 (January 25, 2008)
TH-532: domain specific graphics (IS&T and MIT logos on right, PSB logo in place of Thalia logo for PSB domain) 

Release to production: planned for Tuesday, 1/29.

This includes an Alfresco model change; instructions are at .
As part of release process, while ime is down, test to confirm that "service unavailable" page appears when trying to go to app in web browser. Close this issue if it does work: TH-428
Test downloading a slideshow, close TH-543 after confirming it works. See notes on downloadable slideshow issues if there are problems.

Qing wrote a summary of Sprint 4 changes at