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The CRE Call Tree is the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system that callers encounter when calling the CRE main number. This article details how the system works and how users get around.

See Historical Context at the bottom of this document to understand why certain decisions were made.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
exclude^(Introduction|Table of Contents)$


  1. Store flowchart diagram in a main CRE storage location (not ce2 personal OneDrive Folder)
  2. Store voicemail recordings in a better location than dropbox.
  3. Create shared voicemail box for CRE Reception Group (
  4. Ask Marla how to handle vacations
  5. Add special instructions section on how voicemail is handled
    1. Under Zoom Settings > Phone > "Others" > Voicemail & Videomail: Add the individual users. We cannot add Moira groups here unfortunately, these can only be Zoom Accounts.
  6. Add notes for future followup  - check on Zoom Contact Center setup. We should be able to send to an email.
  7. Add CRE Events Support Line to flowchart


Image Modified

Click the graphic to enlarge it, or visit CRE Call Tree 2024


The phone systems at CRE utilize MIT's voip infrastructure, which is a combination of MITvoip and Zoom Phone. MITvoip is the authoritative directory for all phone numbers; You log into MITvoip to view and assign subsystem(s) to each extension, including physical hardware assignments, Zoom Phone assignments, and so forth. If you wanted to assign another application - such as another PBX - it would likely be done through MITvoip (but we don't have anything like this set up).


If you wanted to manage the CRE Main Call Tree (Business Hours) branch settings, you would log into Zoom as 617-253-5037 and manage the settings under Phone. You can change settings such as IVR options, greeting prompt recordings, and many other settings in here.

Task Owners

  • Updating vacation times in VOIP/Zoom: Bettina Urcuioli
  • Phone Systems Management: CRE IT

CRE Main Entry Point Number (617-253-5000)

This is the main number listed for the MIT Center for Real Estate. This branch extension does nothing other than forward to either the Business hours or Off-Business hours branch extension.


If the call is made after business hours (before 9am or after 5pm), the caller will be transferred to Off-Business Hours Greeting Call Tree branch.

Legacy Phone Number (617-253-4373)

Our legacy phone number, 617-253-4373. This was used on all marketing materials through January 2023.


This phone number should remain in place for at least the next 10-20 years.

Legacy Call Tree Number (617-253-8676)

This is our legacy call tree. We deleted this because we don't think it was used anywhere.

CRE AV Events Support Line (617-258-5571)

This number may be given to lecturers during professional development events. It was configured to simultaneously ring:


That email address again is C, R, E, dash, E, V, E, N, T, S, at, M, I, T, dot, E, D, U.

Thank you

Recorded Greetings

For now, all recorded greetings/voicemail prompts are stored in the cre-dropbox folder at

Business Hours Greeting Call Tree (617-253-5037)


This is the tree callers reach when contacting the CRE Main Entry Point number during business hours.


For information on the Masters in Real Estate Development Program, press 1 for Mary Hughes. (617-253-8308)
For information about Professional and Online Education Programs or Partnerships, press 2 for Paul Adornato. (617-253-5917)
For Student Career Services, press 3 for Kelly Cameron. (617-258-7458)
For a CRE Staff Directory, press 4. (Forwards to CRE Staff Directory Call Tree / 617-253-5043)


To repeat this menu, press #.

Off-Business Hours Greeting Call Tree (617-253-5039)


This is the tree callers reach when contacting the CRE Main Entry Point number outside of normal business hours.


For information on the Masters in Real Estate Development Program, press 1 for Mary Hughes. (617-253-8308)
For information about Professional and Online Education Programs or Partnerships, press 2 for Paul Adornato. (617-253-5917)
For Student Career Services, press 3 for Kelly Cameron. (617-258-7458)
For a CRE Staff Directory, press 4. (Forwards to CRE Staff Directory Call Tree / 617-253-5043)

To repeat this menu, press #.

CRE Staff Directory Call Tree (617-253-5043)


This is the tree callers reach when contacting the pressing the option for the CRE Staff Directory (Option 4) on the Main CRE Call Tree.

Recorded Voice Prompt

For Audiovisual Services, Classroom Support, Events, and Catering, press 1 for Karenina Juarez (617-258-5005)
For IT Technical Support, press 2 for Casey Eyring (617-715-4111)
For Finance and Grants Support, press 3 for Constance Giammattei (617-324-7900)
For Communications and Website Support, press 4 for Lacey Cochran (617-324-6673)
For the Fiscal Officer and ProCard Support, press 5 for Cheryl Gillespie (617-258-5673)
For Executive Leadership Assistance, press 6 for Hannah Muhlfelder (617-715-5965)
For the Administrative Officer, press 7 for Bettina Urcuioli (617-715-2623; currently Panita)
For the Front Desk, press 0 for Joanne McHugh (Forwards to Reception Call Group - See Below)


To repeat this menu, press #.

Reception Call Group (617-258-5062)

When a call is sent to the reception call group, it will ring the following for 45 seconds:


You have reached the MIT Center for Real Estate General Voice Mailbox. No one is available to take your call right now. Please leave your name, number, and a brief message and someone will return your call as soon as possible. You can also email us at

Holiday Closing Greetings

MIT is closed for MIT, state, and federal holidays, which are listed at


The MIT Center for Real Estate is closed for winter break. We will reopen on the Tuesday following New Years Day.

Depreciated Phone Numbers

  • (617) 253-5917 - Paul Adornato. Currently forwards to main reception call group. Set up via Paul's account.
  • (617) 715-5965 - Hannah Muhlfelder - She is still working part time, so this voicemail will give a message to press 0 to be connected with Sr. Admin Assistant Panita Rosenberg, or to leave a message for Hannah.

Call Tree Setup Instructions


  1. Visit
  2. Navigate to the CRE Call Tree section and click on the "Call Tree Settings" icon. Image Added
  3. Upload the desired Call Tree greeting. Note that MITvoip accepts .wav and .mp3 files; however, .wav files may be too large (must be <1mb) so convert them to .mp3 if that is the case.Image Added

Zoom Contact Center

Zoom Contact Center is available to DLCs for $560 per license per year. A license is someone that is able to accept calls through the call center.


  1. The group decided that we should include the MIT Police as an option for the Business Hours Greeting during a CRE Staff Meeting.
  2. Bettina will be responsible for updating vacation dates and times for the CRE Vacation number. This could eventually be assigned to an assistant.
  3. Per a CRE Staff Meeting, we decided to include our names as part of the prompts in addition to the "department" we belong to.



