- The spectra are extracted from 3-6 arcmin annulus, centered on the cluster center
- The scripts use a 1-temperature phabs x mekal model.
- The column density is from Kalberla et al. (2005) and the absorption cross-sections are from Balucinska-Church & McCammon (1992).
- The scripts use the metal abundance table from Grevesse & Sauval (1998).
( Each cluster and instrument fitted separately , (see Table A.1 in Kettula et al., 2013)
- "X" refers to XIS unit (0,1, or 3)
- "Y" is the cluster name
- "Z" refers to the band used in the fit (0520 = 0.5-2.0 keV; 2070 = 2.0-7.0 keV
(For each cluster all XIS instruments are fitted simultaneously, forcing the temperature and metal abundance equal between the instruments, and allowing Oxygen column density of the the contaminant to vary , (see Tables 5 and 6 in Kettula et al., 2013)
Download and unpack the hcorat.tar.gz file (under hcorat tab) at Unpack the files in the same directory as the cluster data. XSPEC session files
Executing the do_mekalfit_simult_modcon_Y.xcm set up the best fit for a given cluster with name Y.
This will install automatically the hcorat - model, provided file will run the fits, assuming your XSPEC has been installed from the source.
It will produce the log - files and ps - plots for each cluster. Due to an unfortunate XSPEC bug, saving the session does something wrong
and the resulting best-fit session (as reported in the log files) files are not available.