h6 Gradebook. This means you can enter all grades for online and offline submissions in one location, and Stellar can perform grade calculations for all class submissions and exams.
h2. What's New
*Spring 2010 Updates:*
* Students can now see make-up grades.
* Actual and original/make-up grades will automatically display to students (settings are configurable).
* Make-up grades can now be exported via spreadsheet.
* When assigning make-up grades, the make-up grade field now auto-populates the "actual" grade field.
* (!) *Actual and make-up grades are not averaged.*
* Instructional text boxes have been made more visible.
h3h6. The following conditions apply when using the Stellar Gradebook:
* When a student selects the Gradebook navigation link, they will only see their own Grade Report.
* A student cannot view another student's grades.
* Students see only the grades that have been approved by Instructors/TAs.
* (!) *The Gradebook must be configured to hide grades. By default, grades are displayed.*
* Unauthorized users will see an error message if they try to access the Gradebook.
* Graders can not configure the gradebook, approve grades or see assignments that have not been explicitly made available to them.
h3. The{bgcolor:E6E6FA}
h4. Navigating the Gradebook {bgcolor}
• Gradebook Overview
• Using the Gradebook
• Setting* [Gradebook Overview]
* [Using the Gradebook|Gradebook Overview#Using the Gradebook]
** [Setting Up the Section Filter in the Gradebook|Gradebook Overview#Setting Up the Section Filter in the Gradebook]
•* [Using the Dashboard|Gradebook
• Overview#The Dashboard]
* [Configuring the Gradebook|Gradebook Overview#Configuring the Gradebook]
h4. Managing Assignment {bgcolor}
* [Adding Assignments to the Gradebook ]
•** [Editing Assignments|Adding
•Assignments Previewingto the Sample Grade Report
• Gradebook#Edit Assignments]
* Entering Grades in the Gradebook
•** [Entering Grades by Student|Adding Assignments
• Enteringto the Gradebook#Entering Grades by Student]
** [Entering Grades by Assignment|Adding Assignments to the Gradebook#Entering Grades by Assignment
• Approving]
* [Approving Grades in the Gradebook|Adding Assignments to the Gradebook#Approving Grades in the Gradebook
• ]
* [Restoring Deleted Assignments|Adding Assignments to the Gradebook#Restoring Deleted Assignments]
h4. Viewing DroppedGrades and Students {bgcolor}
•* [Previewing Restoringthe DeletedSample AssignmentsGrade
• Report]
** [Viewing Dropped Students|Previewing the Sample Grade Report#Viewing Dropped Students]
** [Displaying a Grade's History|Previewing
• the Sample Grade Report#Displaying a Grade's History]
** [Viewing Grade Summaries|Previewing
• the Sample Grade Report#Viewing Grade Summaries]
** [Exporting Student Grade Information|Previewing
•the Sample ConfiguringGrade Report#Exporting theStudent GradebookGrade Information]
•** [Gradebook Access Overview|Previewing