Group Members
- Kelsey Von Tish
- Jessie Mueller
- Olivia Bishop
- TA: (TA's name)Tsung-Hsiang (Sean) Chang
Problem Statement
While living a hectic college lifestyle, many students have trouble keeping track of food expenses and utilizing the food they buy before it spoils. As a result, dorm kitchens are often packed with moldy cheese, spoiled milk, and other expired food items that could've been used for delicious meals. We propose an application that both manages a food budget and suggests ways to get the most mileage out of purchased food. Users can It would allow users to keep track of the items they have in their kitchen, get alerts about items that are close to expiring, and find recipes that utilize the food items they already have. They can would also be able to allot a monthly food budget and track the amount of money they've spent to keep food expenses in check.