GR1 - Task analysis
- Add task by category
- Include due dates
- Check completed tasks
- Remove checked tasks
- Add new categories
- Simple sort by category or date
User Analysis
Our target audience is smart-phone users, both tech-savvy and non-tech-savvy, who want a simple and easy-to-use task-management system.
We've created two personas to help demonstrate the type of people who will use Breadcrumbz.
Our objective for BucketList is to create a simple, easy-to-use resource for categorizing and sharing to-do lists among multiple users.
- CRUD "buckets," or groups of tasks, that can be shared between users.
- CRUD tasks and assign them to multiple users.
- Write notes related to tasks for other people working on the task or in the bucket to see.
User Analysis
- People who keep track of group projects / tasks shared among groups
- People who have a set way of organizing their tasks
- People who want a simple interface for personal to-do lists and task management
Other than that, our product is not designed for any particular age group, personality type, set of interests, or technical ability. In addition, we have a single user class. All users use the same interface, regardless of any features pertaining to the user or their particular projects.
Based on our background research and interviews, we created personas for two target BucketList users. Both personas belong to the same user group, and interact with BucketList in the same fundamental way.
Meet Jake...
Jake is a Junior junior in college, studying mechanical engineering. He He lives a fast paced life serving as editor of his school newspaper in addition to taking six classes and searching for summer internships. He’s He’s an active user of multiple social networking sites and is very tech-savy. He travels a lot, between visiting friends at other colleges, going to job interviews, and visiting home.Breadcrumbz enjoys applications that allow him to compete with friends. BucketList will fulfill Jake’s organizational needs by allowing him to create task lists on-the-go, to help manage his crazy schedule. It for group projects and the newspaper staff, then divvy up the work onto individual group members’ task lists. Additionally it will help him keep track of his own tasks by categorizing allowing him to categorize them into homework, job search, etc, and he will have access to this calendar wherever he is.
Meet Beth...
Beth is a partner in a major law firm and a mother of two. She She also lives a fast paced life, currently managing eight clients and an active member of the PTA. Beth Beth is not super tech savvy and, while she uses a smart phonecomputer often, she only uses mobile web applications if they’re quick and easy. She hates learning how to use new technology, but if it is simple enough she will learn to love it.Breadcrumbz will BucketList will cater to Beth’s desire for a simple UI. It will be easy to learn and even easier to use, making sure Beth is never frustrated with the application.
Task Analysis
High Level
View Tasks (Sort Tasks)
- open app
- change view if desired (by category or by due date)
Add a Task (Categorized Task)
- tap “add task”
- pick category
- pick sub-category (if applicable)
- enter title (or use auto-populated title)
- pick priority (deadline vs ongoing)
- pick due date (if deadline task)
- tap arrows to view correct month (if deadline task)
- tap due date on calendar (if deadline task)
- tap “add” to add task
Add a Task (Uncategorized Task)
- tap “add task”
- type task description/title
- pick priority (deadline vs ongoing)
- pick due date (if deadline task)
- tap arrows to view correct month (if deadline task)
- tap due date on calendar (if deadline task)
- tap “add” to add task
Create a new category
- tap “add task”
- pick category (pick other)
- type new category name
- tap add
Low Level
Open App
- turn phone on
- find app
- tap icon
Mark Completed Tasks
- open app
- find task
- check task as completed
Clear Completed Tasks
- open app
- tap clear tasks
Delete Category
- open app
- tap edit/menu to open app menu
- select all categories to kill
- tap delete category
Domain Analysis
Additionally group task sharing will make it much easier for her to stay aware of what the PTA needs and collaborate with coworkers on new cases.
Task Analysis
This problem is broken down into a few tasks a user can perform:
- Create/Edit an account
- CRUD a bucket
- Add or remove users to or from a bucket
- CRUD a task (this task includes the actions required to mark a task as completed)
- Add or remove users to or from a task
- CRUD notes to a task
Three High-Level Tasks
- Create a bucket
- Precondition: User must have an account.
- Navigate to “My Buckets”
- Type in bucket name
- Hit enter
- Create a task
- Preconditions:
- The bucket that will contain that task must already have been created.
- Users who will be added to task must be members of that bucket already.
- Navigate to that bucket's paper
- Enter task name in 'New Task' field
- Optional: add users to task
- Click '+' by "Collaborators"
- Type name or email of those users
- Hit enter
- Optional: add due-date to task
- Click calendar icon beside task name
- Select required date in calendar
- Preconditions:
- Add or Remove Users from a Task or Bucket
- Preconditions:
- All users involved must already have accounts.
- Task or bucket must already exist.
- If it’s a task, the users to be added to the task must already be in the tasks’ bucket.
- If we’re trying to remove a person, that person must already have been added at some earlier point.
- Select the relevant bucket or task
- If you are adding or deleting users from a task, select the task within that bucket.
- If adding users:
- Click '+' by "Collaborators"
- Type name or email of those users
- Hit enter
- If deleting users:
- Click 'x' beside user's name
- Preconditions:
Domain Analysis
- Each user will have exactly one Breadcrumbz account, which is in turn associated with a single username and password. Each username must be unique.
- An account can have multiple buckets, and each of these bucket can be associated with multiple accounts. This is because buckets can be shared between users. We do not distinguish between a bucket’s creator and the other users who are sharing it, but if a bucket were to be associated with zero accounts at any point, it would cease to exist.
- Every bucket contains a set of 0+ tasks. Each of these tasks is associated with 0+ accounts, all of which must also be associated with the bucket that contains that task. (A task is allowed to be “unassigned”---in other words, not associated with any account.)
- Every task is also associated with a number of notes. Each note is associated with exactly one account – that of the user who wrote it.
Survey Data
I need a way to organize tasks for a group with a shared goal
“I use the same to-do list for group things as everything else. I can show you... [google calendar tasks with EVERYTHING, list includes things like “get Suzie to get receipts for me”]... So I just email people from my group telling them to do things, and then I leave it on my to-do list until she does it. A shared to-do list would actually be really useful. You could do it with a Google doc, but something more involved would be better. If I could add a task and then assign it to someone, and then I could see when it was done, that would be good. I think a checklist would be better than some sort of project-planning thing, just a checklist where I could assign tasks to people and see them complete them. It would help organize things”
“I have a text-edit to-do list. I’ve tried group project management stuff for the Tech, but have never found something that meets our needs. RememberTheMilk comes closest to what we need, but its not really social. The group functions are pretty clunky. We have to keep track of stories, and the editors need to keep track of the writers of each stories, and the status of the story (assigned, written, etc) and there can be multiple people writing a story who need to collaborate. RememberTheMilk lets you put notes on a task, but they have tabs on a mini-window and you can’t see everything at once. I’m really minimalist with my to-do lists (why I use text-edit). We have a lot of deadlines, so to see everything really clearly in a list. Project management stuff (gantt chart) is less useful. Key features are being able to see things laid out in time clearly, but not necessarily with different phases. Levels of priority and notes would be really useful”
I divide to do lists by categories
“I keep everything on my calendar and LOVE to do lists... I rank them in order of importance or color-code them.”
“I make lots of to-do lists in google tasks. I have separate lists for like school stuff, grad school apps stuff, chores, etc.”
“My to do list is a rainbow of colors. Each class has its own calendar and label. Other categories include extracurricular activities, banking...”
I think about tasks based on due dates
“I need a to do list to be fast and easy to add things. Reminders are pretty important. If it could send you an email at the beginning of the day that tells you what you have to do that day it would be good. Associating a due date with an event is very important.”
I like completing a task to feel rewarding
“I need something to send me random reminders and make me feel good if I’ve done it.”
“I keep around completed tasks (on my task check list) to feel accomplished.”
“yeah, I use the google tasks. sometimes I write things on my mirror. I don’t put everything in it... just things that I remember to put... maybe eventually everything goes into it. I use Google to put in when exams are, so I know when to study, or when papers are due. I put in things for student groups that I have to do, because those are something I easily forget about because its not on the syllabus somewhere. I don’t always put psets. I check it maybe one every day or two. Haven’t figured out how to make it come up on android yet... I’m sure I can look into that.”
“It has to be easy to add, but also you should be able to put in details for events or type whatever you want. Due dates aren’t important, neither are reminders.”
“Piece of paper... but its just a list. Like, each line is an item that needs to be done and has a due date. and i organize it into columns, like psets that need to be done. You shouldn’t think that they don’t need to be done. And then things I need to design, most of those don’t have due dates right now, but I think I might start adding them, because otherwise I’ll just keep coming up with new ideas and not do any of them.”
“I like paper. I might make it electronic though. It would just need to have notes, I need to be able to type. So like on the iPhone you can’t really type... its just a list. Fillable form would work... yeah, objectifying the tasks would work well. I think that for me, at least, I don’t forget to do things. Reminders are good, just to keep me on track.”
“I think that there’s a lot of features in here that you can have for people that they work for, like the point system, but if people don’t want them there they should disappear. Too many features isn’t good. For me, getting a good grade on the pset means I did it on time, I don’t want points for it.”