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Core research guidelines, including who can use the core, what services we currently provide, and how we can keep you safe.

Table of Contents

To gain full access to the facility, ALL users must:

  1. Read this Core Usage Policies document
  2. Read the BL1 Safety Policies
  3. Respond to the email sent by core staff acknowledging that you have read both documents.
  4. We will provide door codes once you have acknowledged reading the policies
  5. Most users do not need to read the BL2 Safety Policies unless directed by core staff

Who can use the Microscopy Core?


Cancellations must be made at least four hours before your reservation starts (the lockout period). Reserved instrument time that is missed or cancelled within the lockout period will still be billed. If you need to cancel within the lockout period, please contact us and we will do our best to find an alternative user who can take your reservation.

Scheduling for assisted use or training

Assisted use or instrument training should be scheduled directly with core personnel through email.
