Before class starts:
- Have sign-up sheet for class
- Set up bookmarks & add an image to the desktop
- Bump up font a notch
- Make sure that everyone can sign into their LibGuides account! If not, set them up with an account.
Class outline:
1. Intro:
- We'll start out by giving you an overview and showing some examples, and then we'll delve in to hands-on work.
- If you want to pull up this outline page, it will have all the links on it:
- We'll have drop-in sessions in a few weeks, so don't worry too much if you get a little confused...
- What is LibGuides? Content management system; specifically designed for libraries by Springshare. They've gotten great feedback from other institutions, and customer service is excellent. Hosted on an outside server.
- Why we chose LibGuides: interactive features that we couldn't implement easily ourselves; no need for people to know html
- Task Force formed by UIG & RISG: Remlee, Peter, Angie, Maggie, Georgiana
- Limitations (ex.,
Revised outline
1. Intro
- why we chose it
- limitations: can't upload images, not totally customize-able, everything in a box, can't remove borders, etc.when to use and when not to use:
- Large, complex guides: GIS ( or
- When using a lot of tables NOT for staff use (for now)
- Use the guidelines: https
- Keep it simple
- Writing for the web (is a helpful resource:
- Show good example (Materials) / bad example (Remlee will make one by 7/1):
- Show bad example:
2. What we're using LibGuides for:
- Vera subjects vs. subject guides (Research guides)
- show- We're merging content from vera listings and subject guides, and we're calling them "research guides."
- We can also use LibGuides to create course pages, database cheatsheets, and publication types pages.
- You don't have to use LibGuides! You can still use Dreamweaver, if you want, or if it makes more sense for you!!
- Show 2 Materials examples:,
- Marion & Michelle Miller have set up a guide for every subject that has a Vera category, but that's just to get you started. You're welcome to change it, but you don't have to. You don't have to be in a rush to get these done... We'll be making the template pages live in August, but you're welcome to take your time in updating your page. Dreamweaver subject guides can be linked from these LibGuides pages.
- Where will these be linked?
- Show old subject page index:; contrast with new one
- Show the new page that lists all the guides, including old "subject guides" and "publication types" pages:
- E-
- mail Marion if you want the subcategories in the box changed centrally
- Database cheatsheets won't be integrated into this list, but instead, we'll provide a link to the cheatsheet where we link to the database.
- Course pages won't be integrated into the list, but there's a link to them at the top.
- Go back to the Materials page... You don't have to keep your database descriptions on this page, but if you want your databases listed on another page or tab, rather than the "home" page, please let Marion know, so she can link to your databases from Vera
- Could keep the guide she made as is, if you want
- For now, old subject guides are linked from new page that Marion has made. You can change those later.
- Marion has set up list of databases for every subject:
- You can choose to link to the list on your page, or copy it. They're all linked, right now.
- Pros of linking to the list:
- Always up to date
- Pros of copying it:
- Can customize it
- Can add the descriptions to the page
- Instant gratification
- If you're wondering, "What about new databases not on the list?" We'll e-mail you with the new info from Kim.
- Pros of linking to the list:
3. Hands on walk-through
- Let's Get Started! (Hands on)
- Log in
- Set up your profile. (go to, log in, "customizing your profile")
- Label the profile box wisely... Some options include:
- Keep default "My Profile"
- Ask Us
- Subject Specialist
- Dewey Library (or other library name)
- Questions?
- Profile shortcut: use your athena name
- required and optional choices (LIST THESE HERE!!!)
- if you have no image, choose not to display an image. Staff photo use guidelines should be followed, but people should hide the photo box if they don't use it. No avatars!
- use MEEBO if you want (example:
)); Color should match with our color scheme. Meebo guidelines are here:
- IM names if you want to
- Label the profile box wisely... Some options include:
- Open the Vera Pick page that Marion made to get started??????? : ; (If you don't have a guide already, pick any one.)
- Go to LibGuides: Create new guide, "use template from," and find the guide you want to play with. Call it " ___-test" (After class, they can choose to keep it, and delete old one or the new one.)
- It will not be visible to the public, so don't worry!
- Choose to either
- Choose to show profile box & delete previous contact info box, if they want. Contact information should always display in top right of every page.
- Create a new plain box, and do bold, bullets, links. Works a lot like the wiki.
- Show that there are many many fun options, and this is relatively easy to do. Different box types will be covered in the drop-in sessions.
- Talk about Nicole's tools on Show how to link to a box from Nicole's templates page (
Wiki Markup Show how to copy a box \[what example to use??\]
Wiki Markup Explain that you can copy or link to the database box. Copy the box if you want control over it on your page. Link if you want it to be changed centrally. \[Is this right??\]
- ) Why we picked these tools? How to get more tools added?
- Explain that you can copy or link to the database box. Copy the box if you want control over it on your page. Link if you want it to be changed centrally.
- Show how to link to a box from Nicole's templates page. (A double arrow shows up in the box if it's linked.)
- Show how to copy a box ("Need help?")
- No set limit to number of boxes allowed on page, but if it looks cluttered or if scrolling is excessive, consider reorganizing or using DreamweaverCreate a new box. Show that there are many many fun options, and this is relatively easy to do. Different box types will be covered in the drop in sessions. For now, we'll select the RSS Feed box to link to the new books for the subject.
- When linking to resources, make sure to link to shortcut URLs:
- When given an option, have links open in a new tab/window.
- Now that you have some boxes, show:
- Page Options
- reorder Reorder boxes
- toggle Toggle columns
- User comments are globally set to be moderated; each guide can disable or enable for the whole guide or each box
- Add tabs/subtabs
- Maximum of one row of tabs (5 or 6, max). If you need more, consider reorganizing your pages, or use Dreamweaver.
- Don't link to URL in add a new tab box!
- Guide options
- how How to change your title and add a description
- Not using tags
- Colors are set globally, so nothing you pick here will show up
- addAdd/change editors
- view View usage stats (we'll also have Google Analytics stats, more info later)
- How to turn off photo
- Preview modePreview mode The search box: we don't like it, but we're stuck with it!
- Page Options
- Finishing your page:
- Under "change status":
- naming Naming your shortcut URL (required); refer to shortcut URL list; make it "-test" for now (If you don't like the shortcut, ask Marion to change it)
- Filing filing it under subjects (can choose more than one; show where it shows up:
) & on Vera Multisearch categories, as in bottom of:
- Private private vs. unpublished vs. public guides: Keep private or public. Don't bother with unpublished.
- Making things live
- For the page you've made today:
- Once you're done playing with this test page, you can either delete it or keep it. It might be easier to go to the original page that was made, and add additional info, but it's up to you. Keep in mind that if you change the original page, it might be live and linked from Vera already, so be a little careful about testing.
- Later, if you want to make the page that you've just made live
- , when you get back to your office, delete the page that's linked from Vera, and quickly rename your page with same friendly URL (to match the link on the index page!)
- In general:
- No
- need for approval
- Contact Marion to add a new link
- to index pages
- For the page you've made today:
- Under "change status":
- Be sure to mention:
- Add pages to the Guides created by other users - don't use this option without checking with the person who created the page!!
- You can link to images on our web site if you know how for now (see
); later, we'll try Thalia, so keep it simple for now (less images)
- If you know html, a lot of boxes will accept the code. Feel free to play with it, and ask us if you can't get LibGuides to do something you think it should.
3. Getting Help
- Drop in sessions; will also cover more advanced features in drop-ins (ex, how to make book cover images not link to Amazon, embedding videos, etc.)
Wiki Markup Documentation \[will live here:\]
Wiki Markup Who to email \[\]
Original outline:
1. Intro and Context
- why we chose it
- When to use and when not to use
- :
- Large, complex guides: GIS (
- :
- )
- When using a lot of tables
- NOT for staff use (for now): that's what the wiki is for; paid for out of public services funds
4. Getting Help
- Drop in sessions; will also cover more advanced features in drop-ins (ex, how to make book cover images not link to Amazon, embedding videos, etc.)
- Documentation:
- Who to email []
- We'll have a big staff orientation in August with information on all the changes, and documentation on all of the new stuff.
5. Play time!!
After class:
- Email attendees with links: LibTalks, staff web guidelines, writing for web, etc.
- not for staffweb use
- use the guidelines:
(what NOT to do)
- show bad example (Remlee will make one)
(what TO do) - Angie's good example
keep it simple
Writing for the Web:
2. How it works
- guided tour of features
adding boxes, different types of boxes
show how to make Book Cover images not link to Amazon, see:
later we'll have more workshops on advanced features (rss feeds, etc.)
- linking to vs. copying boxes from other pages
Libguides Tools page, how to LINK TO (not copy) these boxes, like Barton
- make a new tab and subtab
- Page Options
reorder boxes
toggle columns
- user comments, globally set to moderate
each guide can disable or enable for the whole guide or each box
- Guide option
colors are set globally, so nothing you pick here will show up
not using tags
how to change your title and add a description
add/change editors
view usage stats (we'll also have Google Analytics stats, more info later)
Add pages to the Guides created by other users - don't use this option without checking with the person who created the page!!
- the search box
we don't like it, but we're stuck with it
main search engine will also index these:
- Customize your profile
required and optional choices
if you have no image, pick the right choice for no empty box
use MEEBO if you want (show Mark's)
IM names if you want to
- link to shortcut URLs (see the list)
- Change guide status
- naming your shortcut URL
- private vs. unpublished guides
- filing it under subjects (can choose more than one)
- Research guides home
- images
link to images on our web site if you know how for now (see Amy's)
later, we'll try Thalia, so keep it simple for now (less images)
- tables (show SAE), encourage stay with Dreamweaver for now
3. Vera subjects vs. subject guides (Research guides)
- merging these
- page that lists all the guides
- cheatsheets and course pages
templates made by Marion:
- Vera database subject lists
- how to modify them
4. Other
- making things live
no need for approval
contact Marion to link from other pages (show pages)
- how to get help
who to email
- questions