Here's what's necessary to install version 0.95 of the Cultura Questionnaire and Discussion tool. Thanks for helping us get started with this.
1. Uncompress/untar the file cultura.tgz into your server's document root (it expects to be available as http://<yourserver>/cultura):
tar xvzf cultura_v0.95.tgz
2. Change ownership of the course_files directory such that it is writable by the user your webserver is running as (probably nobody or www)
3. cd to cultura/schema and install the database schema:
mysql --user=<privligeduser> --password=<privilegeduserspassword> < cultura.sql
e.g. mysql --user=root --password=rootpwd cultura < cultura95.sql
4. In a web browser, go to http://<yourserver>/cultura
You should see a login/password box. Log in as:
username (the login prompt will say 'E-mail address', but ignore that for this purpoose): admin
password: changeme