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Meeting #1: Define key questions/considerations the Open 2020 Working Group should address. Who is missing? Work products?

Team: Diana, Ryan, Willem

Recommendation: Should these two topics be part of a future meeting, and our general deliberations? 

A: We think both of these topics are important, but sustainability and incentives don't seem to go together. We think sustainability likely overlaps with the infrastructure group in whole, or in part.

= notes =


  • Models for generating, updating, maintaining content

  • What are the real costs of preparing an open course, open materials?

  • The content of the commons is often hosted on platforms that may or may not be sustainable

  • How to sustain the operations of programs and infrastructure we rely on: tools, licenses, services, platforms

  • How to create sustainable publishing models that remunerate authors and/or create ethical publishing models

Note: Before engaging for-profit partners in discussion, we should establish our values, goals, and any no-go options (e.g., algorithmic bias, data collection and re-use, privacy or third-party tools).


  • Authors: To generate content, to share it openly

    • Grants available only for making open content

  • Educators: To use open content

  • All: Rewards and recognition of efforts

  • Interim issue, because it fills in an area that is currently unsupported

  • Institutions: From governments to encourage them to adopt open practices; accreditation organizations; Enhanced reputations
