TH-326 Thalias libraries, albums, slide shows, searches disappear after working in Thalia for an hour or so
TH-458 Several long tags stack such that some tags are hidden from view
TH-602 Library Info Pane: Enter key no longer makes line breaks in item description
TH-655 downloaded slideshow wont play
TH-662 filenames with spaces are truncated when downloaded from ThaliaTH-663 Advanced Search: can no longer populate metadata field choices in advanced search.
TH-664 Album: cannot enlarge item image by double clickingTH-666 downloading problems caused by white space trimmed from file names
TH-674 some metadata missing from HST bulk upload to Dublin Core <select> fieldTH-675 Thumbnail: dragging multiple items should show multiple thumbnails, or some obvious (to users) visual cue that more than one file is being dragged.
TH-708 when logged in as admin, cant view thumbnails inside albums
TH-767 Create sample metadata files for bulk upload
TH-780 User help needs artwork refreshTH-784 Help Link: doesnt go to Help, it goes to the Thalia info page.
TH-795 upload is broken on thalia-dev
TH-294 PDF thumbnail creation
TH-514 Errors from backend should include error codes in addition to error text
TH-637 In item sharing window, It will be very helpful to list the parent library name
TH-661 completely separate the UI source from the IME source
TH-673 Edit Metadata: while in SearchTH-689 UAT: show dragging multiple items
TH-702 Make the HELP button much more visible
TH-793 Make maximum number of tags be read in from the imes web.xml
TH-182 Terms of Service/ Terms of USeTH-315 Automate IME (or other service) shutdown/restart681: Drop-down boxes for custom metadata
New Feature
TH-452 Share for saved searchesTH-625 pull metadata out of image files
TH-738 Need to add "beta" to the slideshow menu item
TH-308 review the new UI design with usability lab
TH-375 create an automated thalia demoTH-429 clean up svn.mit.edu/zest/thalia/teamsite/Trunk area
TH-529 add UI implementation for unique URL for images
TH-638 service trade show table at IS&T community forum on Feb. 13
TH-642 disaster recovery PlanTH-643 Technical Architecture DOcumentation
TH-649 Scrum and triage process adjustments
TH-728 Update help files
TH-748 QA needs to update test cases
TH-771 UI should find the right wording for multi-tag editing
TH-772 Button Task
TH-773 Sprint 5 help file tasksTH-774 Find PDF extraction tool for OCW
TH-782 support svg, ai, eps file format
TH-791 Thalia Project Plan documentTH-794 create metadata mapping for music domain
TH-760 Delete button in Collaborator Album is not enabled for R, R/D or No Permissions items
TH-98 Bulk upload metadata file instructions need to be added
TH-473 User documentation for the new access control rules
TH-648 Estimation exercises and Burndown
TH-651 Help files to document that only Admin users can create new Custom metadata fields
TH-653 Add instructions to help for adding a custom logo to a domain
TH-682 Manage Metadata Pane: message to users should be re-writtenTH-693 UAT: Click on slide; click on layout; have layout for that slide change
TH-713 add new Zip file Help link to bulk upload page <Link creation task> (UAT: Users dont know how to do Zip file)
TH-714 add new Zip file Help link to bulk upload page <Help file task> (UAT: Users dont know how to do Zip file)TH-754 Determine Appropriate Open Source License for Thalia
TH-764 Usability in Search: delete button should either be disabled or it should work
Part 2 (March 13, 2008)
TH-326 Thalias libraries, albums, slide shows, searches disappear after working in Thalia for an hour or so (a patch to fix the problem Brian and Cassandra saw yesterday that Thalia treats users as guest)
TH-807: Metadata: fields are not always populated when the info pane is pulled up for an item
TH-806: clicking on different items quickly, a previous item enlarges
TH-801: Slideshow: enlargement all messed up
TH-458: Several long tags stack such that some tags are hidden from view
TH-655: downloaded slideshow won't play
TH-416: Improve user friendliness with regard to deleted Items
TH-802: Fix custom metadata message on edit pane
TH-730: Proofread
TH-815: Link to Quickstart
Part 3 (March 17, 2008)
TH-826: Can't multi-edit Items; typing disappears
New Feature
TH-738: Need to add "beta" to the slideshow menu item
TH-752: Make all blanks "workspace" contain useful text
Part 4 (9 am March 19, 2008)
TH-833: previously entered Free Form tags do not appear on upload screen but appear/saved after upload
TH-509: link to certificate login, when logged in as guest
TH-837 : Improve look of buttons in empty Library and Slideshow
Part 5 (3:30pm March 19, 2008)
TH-831: add capitals on 'Share Item' buttons: Share Library, Share Album & Share Slideshow
TH-830: <LibraryName> field should be available on 'Share Item' screen
TH-829: Item owner/library info should appear the same on 'Share Item' as currently on 'Item Info'
TH-843: Contact Sheet for albums won't download thumbnails of items
Part 6 (March 20, 2008)
TH-486: Add note to Contact Sheet if user does not have rights to download
TH-437: Contact sheet in Library and Album does not update name change without a refresh
TH-402: Album contact sheet has trouble loading info for items deleted from Library
TH-593: Contact sheet says "You do not have download privileges for this item" for a previously deleted item
TH-843: Contact Sheet for albums won't download thumbnails of items
Part 7 (March 25, 2008)
TH-887: Fix flash error on delete libraries, and when deleting categories from manage metadata -- in this case, user is notified that they must refresh to see the change in the rest of the application.
Part 8 (March 26, 2008)
TH-896: Make clearing the upload pane something that each domain can configure -- if <clear_upload_form> is true in metadata mapping, it will clear between uploads.
TH-739: Name of Public Library can be customized in each domain
Part 9 (March 26, 2008)
TH-614: Previous Custom Metadata appears when editing multiple files (none should show)
1. Remove dead static files on production site. See https://jira-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/jira/browse/TH-701 for specific filenames. Alternately, delete everything under the help/ directory and sync it to svn.mit.edu/zest/thalia/website/Branches/v1_sprint5/help/ . Be sure the child directories are copied.
/help on the two test servers, isda-thalia2.mit.edu and isda-thalia11.mit.edu, was been synced with svn on Friday afternoon, 3/28. Files may be scp'd from there.
2. install ghostscript 8.62 on production site
3. upgrade imagemagick to 6.3.9-6.
4. change metadata mapping to <clear_upload_form>true</clear_upload_form> for PSB, ap, ocw.
<public_library_name>PSB Image Library</public_library_name>for PSB.