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The Control Panel is the proposal RFP submission homepage for a PIexternal users, and where they are directed to upon log-in.



Start a New Proposal / Application: Directs PI users to a page where they choose among possible calls to respond to. The only calls offered as options are those which are active and whose relevant deadlines are in the futurein a stage that accepts new submissions.  Clicking 'Start' on that page creates a new proposal/application record and accompanying Proposal ID, and then directs the PI user to either the Application, Pre-Proposal or , Full Proposal phase submission process, depending on the specifications of the chosen call. Proposal InformationUsers receive confirmation emails acknowledging their initiation a new proposal or application.

Call: A proposal's parent call.Parent call of proposal or application

Start Date: The start Start date of funding for this proposal.associated award

Title: The title Title of this proposal .or application

Proposal ID: This ID is a database-friendly concatenation of the PI's last name (or user, if application) and a random four-digit number. This ID accompanies the proposal/application throughout the proposal submission and review process and through its lifespan as a funded project. Files and folders generated in the eSG system that relate solely to this proposal/project use this ID in their naming scheme.

Status / Tasks: This section reflects the progress of the proposalsubmission, and there are five sequential includes some or all of the following steps (assuming an active parent call) :

  1. edit proposal = proposal's relevant submission deadline is in the future; only proposals in the Pre-Proposal phase / delete proposal or application : if deadline has not passed; only pre-proposals and applications may be deleted by the PI via the web interfaceuser
  2. start full proposal = : if associated call is two-stage omnibus-type, and pre-proposal was accepted for review and for full proposal submission
  3. edit peer review rebuttals = peer reviews of this proposal exist
  4. view peer review rebuttals (if submitted) and revise proposal = Final Revision Phase is active for this call
  5. ; this changes to 'edit proposal' upon full proposal creation
  6. view peer reviews : if peer reviews for the associated call have been opened for viewing via Calls FMP layout
  7. view panel reviews : if panel reviews for the associated call have been opened for viewing via Calls FMP layout
  8. edit peer review rebuttals : if rebuttal phase has been activated via Calls FMP layout
  9. revise proposal : if final revision phase has been activated via Calls FMP layout

Download: Compiled proposal or application Download: Compiled pre-proposals and full proposals uploaded by the eSG Administrator via FMP appear appears here.