The MIT list for the development team is webauth-dev, this is a private Moira list.
- Meeting Notes
- Touchstone Roadmap
- Documents relating to marketing and support
- What is Touchstone? - aimed at people thinking about using this service for their web application
- Touchstone Help page text - canoncial text of the Touchstone Help page text
- Issues raised by help desk staff - some questions from the help desk.
- How to choose between these options - draft document regarding the choice between using password, existing tickets, or a certificate for authentication.
- What information gets released to an application server? - attributes released by the core IdP for MIT users.
- MIT applications that support MIT Touchstone today.
- Customers and their requirements
- Technical Docs
- Test Plan and Related information
- Jira instance for this project
- *Request Tracker queue for MIT Touchstone Support* (https://help-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/Search/Results.html?Query=Queue%20=%20'ISDA::Touchstone%20Support'%20AND%20(Status%20=%20'open'%20OR%20Status%20=%20'new'%20OR%20Status%20=%20'stalled'))