Design 1
This design focuses on segmenting the three possible actions(give, exchange, receive) into three different actions, tailoring each page for the desired action. This focuses on learnability.
 This is the home page where the user logs in or registers. Proceeding as guests is only allowed for givers
| Pros
- Clean login page
- A modal pops up for registration page. Allowing the user to easily x out and select a different option.
- Allows people to browse the toys offered without having to login.
- Registration process can be lengthy. Might consider bypassing it in some manner.

| Pros
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| Pros
- Easy, straightforward manner of donating items by supplying the toy
| This is where the user logs in.
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| This is where the user uploads donation items. The - name, description, and picture upload
- Easy to learn what information needs to be added or how to add another item for donation without having to donate them separately one-by-one
- Does not easily support a collection of items being donated at once. There is no classifier for a group of items and supporting descriptions

| This is how a receiver searches for a toy using various filters and keywords. |
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| This is how a user registers for the account. Accounts are linked to credit cards so that we can prevent over-receiving of donations to one user if necessary.
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| This pops up after the home page.
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| This is the interface that the user uses to suggest a trade.
| Pros
- Can search for toys using a separate filter page
- Reduces the clutter of eveyrthing pinned to a sidebar.
- Lacks instant search feature where you can see the toys reduce as you check.
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| Pros
- Very learnable since its a familiar way to register
- Forces people to tie their username to a billing address so that multiple accounts accepting all the toys cannot be created
- Long and drawn out process to register
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| Pros
- Simple way of performing the three distinct actions
- Might be repetitive for someone who may want to donate AND exchange or something like that.
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| Pros
- Defined process for superpositioning the donate and the find page next to each other
- May be a bit busy with both side-by-side
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| Pros
- Easy to use learnable and efficient drag-and-drop to cart
- The most important part of the toy may not be the picture to every user and might want to select some other view such as description to sort through results
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| hen finding a toy, the user grabs a toy image and drag-and-drops it into his cart |