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| Logging In |
People with an MIT Kerberos username, or an MIT X.509 certificate can simply use their normal account to securely authenticate to Stellar. Default browser settings should not prevent anyone from using MIT Touchstone for authentication. However, there are various optional settings that can affect the usability of Touchstone. The use of cookiesMIT Touchstone requires the use of browser cookies. If cookies have been disabled in the browser an error will result when attempting to use MIT Touchstone enabled applications. To re-enable cookies within your browser you should consult your browser's documentation. The site associated with the cookies will depend on which identity provider, or account provider, you are using. The use of javascriptAlthough MIT Touchstone assumes Javascript is enabled, and uses it, it is still possible to authenticate if you do not have Javascript enabled. Instead of being automatically redirected back to the application that you are trying to access, you will have to use a button to complete a form post. Background Color |
| How to Login |
For all users:From the Stellar homepage or CourseGuide, click the You@Stellar tab or navigate to the class site you are joining and click the LOGIN link at the top of the left navigation bar. If you have cookies enabled, you are directed to the Please choose your account provider page: - If you are an MIT user, select MIT Kerberos account (or MIT web certificate)
- The Touchstone@MIT page is displayed.
- Choose your preferred login method and click the appropriate button.
- You are redirected back to Stellar.
- If you are a non-MIT user, select Touchstone Collaboration Account. The red Touchstone Collaboration Accounts login page is displayed.
- If you already have a Touchstone Collaboration Account, enter your user name and password. Complete the login.
- You are redirected back to Stellar.
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| Troubleshooting Login Problems |
If you get an Access Denied message, complete and send the email form so a member of the class faculty can add you to the class/section Participants list. You should then receive a response from the instructor. Please note: If you leave the Stellar page idle for 1 hour or if it's 6 hours after getting the Touchstone ticket, you will need to re-authenticate. If you are on the Participants list and still cannot gain access, consider the following: Info |
The first time a user is added to Stellar, corresponding user information , e.g., name/office location, from the MIT directory will be copied over to Stellar. Stellar does not check for modifications to the user information in the MIT directory for its current user list. Thus, modifications in the MIT directory will not be reflected in the Stellar user information. Also, changes made to user information in Stellar will not be reflected in the directory. |
For non-MIT users:Users without Stellar accounts must obtain a Kerberos account and provide that email address to the Instructor or Admin of the site they wish to access. The Instructor must add you to the membership list of this site. If you are on the participants list and still experience issues logging in, consider the following: - Is the email address you are using to login the same as the one the instructor listed as your email address on the site? Check with the instructor.
- If this is not the problem, contact the IS&T Service Desk.
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| MIT Certificates |
All members of the MIT community automatically have a Stellar account that uses the MIT Kerberos user name, e.g.,, as the Stellar user name. MIT users identify themselves to Stellar through a personal certificate.
To get certificates for the browser and computer you are using, go to the MIT Certificates page. Get an MIT Certificate Authority first, if you do not have one already, then get an MIT Personal Certificate. To get a personal certificate, you must already have the following: Info |
All personal certificates at MIT expire on July 31. Go to Certificates at MIT for directions on checking the expiration date of certificates, deleting expired certificates in your browser, and getting a new personal certificate or MIT CA certificate. |