Versions Compared


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Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.

Brian completed spin QA work on the 500GeV fills we wanted on June 18.
The summary can be found on blog page

The final table
!Picture 10.png!thumbnail! Image Added

Meaning of some not obvious keys, full explanation on Jim's 2006 page

  • 'e' is used when the bunch is consistently empty
  • 'c' is used if the bunch is filled more than once but with different spin states.

MySql command (may by scrambled by Wiki)
mysql --port=3306 Calibrations_rhic -e "select comment,beginTime,endTime from spinV124 where BeginTime>'2009-01-01' and BeginTime<'2009-11-11' order by beginTime "


SPIN DB have been populated for 33 fils, Jan's blog


spot check of pattern for run 10090074
comparison of spinDB to Alice pattern used for ZDC analysis, table

Alice provided me with pol pattern for 1 run used by ZDC.
I compare the values , see attachment. Left side is my assignment, the right column is from you. We have exactly the same pattern except the abort gaps.
Looks like I use opposite convention for spin=2,8.
FYI, this is my convention, table 1

so my 8= means: B -, Y empty
my spin=2 means: B empty, Y=-

It does not change any asymmetry we compute, but would be good to converge on those.
Alice did not provided interpretation of her 2, 8.

For now I conclude we are consistent where it matters and I can assume I correctly computed the sign of AL