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Composition Setup

Configuring and Access to the Gradebook

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Configure and Access to the Gradebook


Configure the Gradebook



Configure form is where the Gradebook properties are setup. Options include using grade weighting


, choosing to display


When selected, the data is appended as additional rows at the bottom of the STUDENT GRADE SUMMARY form.


grades to students, display histograms to students, and display cumulative Scores to students. You can also determine the level of permission TAs wield.

APPROVAL RIGHTS AND HISTOGRAMS-"Approval rights are not required to edit (unapprove) approved grades" configuration option. When enabled, this checkbox will allow graders to edit/unapprove previously approved grades for assignments which they are allowed to see. "Allow students to view histograms" configuration option-allows students to see a histogram of grades for an assignment.

After you have selected Gradebook options, you can preview an example of how the Gradebook will appear to Students. Select the See Sample Student Grade Report link to preview the Student Grade Report.


access control, sample student grade report, setting up section filters, show dropped students

The Section Gradebook

  • The section Gradebook is accessed through the section subsite(s).
  • It displays only the participants in a particular section.
  • This does not prevent Graders or TAs from viewing the whole class gradebook or sections other than their own, it will merely allow them to focus in on the section to which they've been assigned.
  • Assignments are global - there are no section-specific assignments or exams.
  • Calculations and histograms display section-based data in the section-filtered gradebook and site-wide data in the master site gradebook.
    • Permissions in sections depend on permissions for master gradebook, in order to see a section, TAs and Graders must have access to the master gradebook..

    A Gradebook must be added to the master site and sections must be created before adding the section Gradebook link to sections.

  1. Choose a section from the left-hand navigation bar.
    Image Removed
  2. Click Image Removed on the bottom the left-hand navigation bar.
  3. Click Image Removed at the top of the screen.
  4. Check Image Removed next to "Section Gradebook"
  5. Click Image Removed#* If "Section Gradebook" does not appear:
    • #** Click Image Removed
      • Type "Section Gradebook" in a blank field
      • In the adjacent field type "Gradebook/" and check the corresponding checkbox
        Image Removed
      • Click Image Removed
        • This process must be repeated for each section that you wish to add the section Gradebook to.

Access Control

Directions to Configure the Gradebook:
  1. Toggle Cloak
    Click Gradebook in the navigation bar

  2. Toggle Cloak
    Click Configure in the Gradebook navigation bar

  3. Choose the appropriate options
  4. Optional- You can view a sample Student Grade Report by clicking the 'Show Student Grade Report'.
  5. Click 'Save'
Gradebook Access Overview

The Default configuration in Stellar checks off all boxes under TA Options, allowing TAs to create, edit, delete assignments, approve grades, and change Gradebook options.

Section Gradebook
Section Gradebook

Role / Action

Add/Edit Grades

Approve Grades

Create/Edit Assignments

Delete Assignments
(with no grades assigned)

Configure Gradebook

Change Approved Grades
(Note: this changes the grade back to unapproved)


 If assignment made
"Accessible to Graders"





 If given permission



 If given permission

 If given permission

 If given permission

 If given permission

 If given permission















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