This activity/tool is listed as:
Excerptexcerpt |
🔶 | Orange | Light | Requires submission of safety plan and approval by EHS |
To start the process, please
The process to receive approval for this tool is:
- Check below to see that your use falls within guidelines
- Complete, sign, and submit the MIT
- Develop a safety plan MIT Making at Home Safety Plan
Excerpt Include |
| Remote Making Risk Acknowledgement |
| Remote Making Risk Acknowledgement |
nopanel | true |
- Develop your Remote Making Safety Plan with your faculty/staff oversight; look at the
Excerpt Include |
| Remote Making Safety Plan |
| Remote Making Safety Plan |
nopanel | true |
form for guidance since you will need to fill out the form in Step 4
Submit your Excerpt Include |
| Remote Making Safety Plan |
| Remote Making Safety Plan |
nopanel | true |
- You will be contacted to discuss the plan, feasibility, modifications, etc.
- EHS will approve use of this tool once/if all safety and feasibility requirements are met
- As pre-COVID, staff/faculty are responsible for making sure the safety plan is followedContact us to discuss your plan and use
Minimum required PPE and precautions (more may be required based on circumstance)
- Safety glasses or safety goggles
- Gloves
- Long pants and closed toed shoes
- A safety shield and chemical resistant apron are required if there is significant potential for splashing
Hazards to be addressed in Safety Plan
- In safety plan, include links to SDS for every chemical to be used, even if commonly available
- Skin / eye irritation, corrosion, or sensitization
- Fire, if using flammable chemicals
- Exothermic reaction
- Poisoning
- Any other hazard listed on the SDS
Most important safety considerations (issues, resources, advice, warnings)
A safety plan is required prior to use of any hazardous chemicals at home
Chemicals should generally be limited to those that can be purchased at a retail store such as a supermarket or hardware store.
Larger quantities (generally considered to be over 500 ml)require review and approval by EHS
Use of any hazardous chemicals requires a plan for disposal. The disposal plan should be developed prior to purchasing chemicals.
Purchase the minimum amount of material needed for the project in order to minimize the amount of excess waste that will need to be disposed. Determine the quantity of purchase to minimize waste or eliminate need for waste.
Use only small containers that would normally be bought for household purposes (not in bulk)
Gloves must be worn when using chemicals
Always review the manufacturer’s Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and follow manufacturer instructions. SDS can typically be obtained on the internet or by contacting the manufacturer.
Chemicals that pose an inhalation hazard may only be used outdoors or where there is continuous active ventilation
Chemicals that are highly toxic, spontaneously combustible, water reactive, or unstable (potentially explosive) are prohibited
Avoid fire, sparks, and electrical appliances
For more information see http:/
Most important considerations in the use of the tool/technology (issues, resources, advice, warnings)
Links or info about video/images and complementary or alternative tools/tech to consider
Forms and contact information required to obtain approval to use this technology/tools
- Link:
Excerpt Include |
| Remote Making Risk Acknowledgement |
| Remote Making Risk Acknowledgement |
nopanel | true |
- Link:
Excerpt Include |
| Remote Making Safety Plan |
| Remote Making Safety Plan |
nopanel | true |
- MIT Making at Home Safety Plan (link)
- Link:
- Finding local hazardous waste disposal (link)
- Email: QQ&A and Discussion (email)to