- Kathy Cahill, Rich Caloggero, and Stephani Roberts. "Web Accessibility and Educational Technology: Best Practices". Presentation for Education Technology Group Meeting: "Best Practices for Web Accessibility in Education", June 1, 2010.
(Slides and MP3 recording to follow.)
2009 Presentations and Publications
- Brown, Sean M. "hste-learning.mit.edu: Medical Education Learning Courses," co-presenter, Medical Education Day, Harvard Medical School, October 26, 2004.
- Grochow, Jerrold M. "Best Practices for Enabling the Agile Enterprise," Panelist, MIT Sloan School CIO Symposium, May 19, 2004.
- Grochow, Jerrold M. "Producing the future of IT at MIT," Interview (by Gary Anthes), Computerworld, July 26, 2004. (http://www.computerworld.com/securitytopics/security/story/0,10801,94690,00.html)
- Grochow, Jerrold M., et al "The Enterprise Architecture Project at MIT," presentation to Common Solution Group, September 23, 2004. (http://www.stonesoup.org/Meeting.next/mtg.pres/grochow.htm)
- Grochow, Jerrold M. "Economics Provides a Key Driver for Open Source Solutions for Higher Education," Panelist, Open Source Summit, Phoenix, AZ, December 2, 2004. (http://www.opensourcesummit.org/program.html)
- Kumar, Vijay and Merriman, Jeffrey. "The CMS and Beyond," EDUCAUSE 2004.
- Kumar, Vijay. "From Open Resources to Educational Opportunity," Keynote Presentation, ALT-C (Association for Learning Technology) Conference, Bristol, U.K, September 2004.
- Kumar, Vijay. "Pervasive Computing to Abundant Educational Opportunity at MIT," Common Solutions Group Meeting, Harvard University, September 2004.
- Kumar, V., Alverson, D., Seigel, M., Zeman, J. "The Role and Value of Advanced Networking in Teaching and Learning," Internet2 Fall 2004 Meeting, Austin, TX, September 28, 2004.
- Kumar, Vijay, "An Open Educational Ecology," Keynote presentation, TERENA Networking Conference, 2004, Rhodes, Greece, June 9, 2004.
- LeBlanc, Linda A. "With Wireless, Who Can You Trust? No One," eSecurity Planet.com, December 6, 2004, (http://www.esecurityplanet.com/views/article.php/3444171)
- Long, Phillip D. "Principles for Learning Space Design and Case Studies," Panelist, NLII Learning Space Design Workshop, September 9, 2004.
- Long, Phillip D. "Learning Space Design: Current Research and Issues," Plenary Speaker, NSF Project Kaleidoscope - Shaping Environments for Undergraduate Learnign in STEM Fields: Opportunities for Research and Comprehensive Universities, University of Chicago, September 11, 2004.
- Long, Phillip D. "Death of the Classroom - Thank You, It's Been Great Fun," Trends in Technology Column, Syllabus Magazine, September 1, 2004, (http://www.syllabus.com/article.asp?id=9941)
- Long, Phillip D. "Is an Open Source CMS in Your Future?," Panelist, Syllabus Conference, Univ. of California Berkeley, July 19, 2004.
- Long, Phillip D. Syllabus Executive Summit, Facilitator, San Francisco, CA, July 18, 2004.
- Long, Phillip D. "Infectious Adoption," Trends in Technology Column, Syllabus Magazine, July-August, 2004 (print). (http://www.syllabus.com/article.asp?id=9680)
- Murphy, Brian. "Redesigning Non-formal Learning Spaces," Presenter, Educause 2004, Denver CO, October 22, 2004. (http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/acs/newspaces)
- Yu, Tom; Hartman, Sam; Raeburn, Kenneth. "The Perils of Unauthenticated Encryption: Kerberos Version 4," Proceedings of the Network and Distributed Systems Security Symposium, The Internet Society, February 2004. paper \
:(http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/tlyu/papers/krb4peril-ndss04.pdf); slides: (http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/tlyu/papers/krb4peril-ndss04slides.pdf) - Hill, Paul. "MIT Roles DB," Common Solutions Group, University of Virginia, May 6, 2004.
- Hill, Paul. "Microsoft's Roles Based Authorizations Manager," Common Solutions Group, University of Virginia, May 6, 2004.
- Hill, Paul. "MIT's use of Public Key Technologies: Support Issues," Common Solutions Group, University of Virginia, May 6, 2004.
- Hill, Paul. "MIT's Roles DB" and "Microsoft's Roles Based Access Control Service," Internet2, July, 2004.
- Hill, Paul. "Implementing Identity Management in Microsoft-Centric and Mixed Environments," Internet2, November 2004.
- Hill, Paul. "The Overlap of Technology and Policy," (panelist) Internet2, November 2004.
- Hill, Paul. "Authentication Technology Survey: Kerberos, LDAP, Client-side PKI, and Other Solutions," Internet2, November 2004.