Welcome to the working space for
MIT has always been all about learning by doing. In 1860, its founders announced their commitment to mens et manus, placing "the most earnest co-operation of intelligent culture with industrial pursuits" at the center of the Institute's mission.
Today MIT Sloan is ready to redefine management education. By charting new learning architectures, focusing on action and real-world practice, and inventing new ways to collaborate, we are helping our students to learn by innovating. Not only is such experience valuable because students apply what they have learned in the classroom, but also because by taking action, making things happen, and creating new solutions to problems, they develop as managers, change agents, and leaders.
How we are creating an MIT Sloan education in which every student can learn by innovating? In the spirit of learning by practicing, we are devising new experiments in conjunction with MIT Sloan students, faculty, and staff. Three linked efforts are already underway.
- "Preparation-action-reflection" framework.
- Practicing Management Course. A new course based on the preparation-action-reflection-framework.
- Collecting, connecting, and enabling practicing management. Collaborating with students, staff, and faculty throughout MIT Sloan and the Institute to ensure that every student has many opportunities to make real progress in transforming the world through people, ideas, and action.
Praxis@MIT Sloan
What is the Praxis@MIT Sloan What is the Practicing Management approach to education?Students prepare, act, and reflect on their experience, learning what it means to work with and through others to get things done. MIT students have always set out to change the world. With the new Practicing Management project, we're helping them to , MIT Sloan students start changing the world while they're here.
Current work in progress
- [Current activities|current activities].
- [Creating the community|creating the community].
*modules|Modules--A Working List]*: our collective list of things we'd like to offer students while they are hereWiki Markup *\[*
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MIT is about learning by doing, and the hallmark of an MIT Sloan education is its pairing of state-of-the-art theory and tools with opportunities to put ideas into action.
With Praxis@MIT Sloan, we're taking this tradition a step further by enhancing students' experiences and interactions with real-world challenges. MIT Sloan students learn by doing via workshop-style seminars, coaching, and innovative new courses (15.990 - Prepare, act, reflect: Lab for getting things done).
In a new, flexible seminar series open to all, students learn a variety of tools and approaches for developing their skills in getting things done. Personal and team coaching offers students feedback that is linked to both the academic and experiential sides of their education. And in new courses designed to build their own effectiveness, we help students to connect research and theory with their own actions in real-world projects and to use the classroom as a setting for learning from others and reflecting on experience.
Sloan press release about 15.990
Chronicle of Higher Education article
Core Team Workspace
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