Name | Location | Concentration | pEXPR: hEF1a-eBFP2 | Our -20 | TC Room | Midi preppedMiniprepped | pEXPR: hEF1a-Gal4Vp16 | With Jin | Gal4VP16 | Our -20 | Verified, colony being picked for midi prepWill meet with Jin | pEXPR: hEF1a-TAL14 | With Brian | Our -20 | Being midi preppedpENTR will be LR'd with Hef1a when obtained | pEXPR: 5xUAS/4xTAL14bsTAL14-eYFPmKate | With Samira | TC Room | Midi preppedUAS needs to be added somehow |
- negative control (minimal yellow)
- hEF1a-eBFP2 & hEF1a-Gal4VP16 & 5xUAS/4xTAL14bs-eYFP & hEF1a-Gal4VP16
- positive control (hopefully linear BFP/YFP)
- hEF1a-eBFP2 & 5xUAS/4xTAL14bs-eYFP& hEF1a-Gal4VP16 & hEF1a-TAL14 & 5xUAS/4xTAL14bs-eYFP
- Should be blue (minimal yellow)