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Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.

Click to Speak

Download v.






Click To Speak comes with both a player, for playing previously created games, and an editor, for creating your own games! For instructions on installation of both of these applications, click here.

For a quick guide to playing a game using the Click to Speak Player, check out our handy guide.

Our editor is simple and easy to use, but you'll probably want to get acquainted with its features first! For a tutorial on how to build your own Click to Speak games, click here.

A sample dialogue tree is included with the editor and player. To download the editor, player, and sample game individually, see Downloads


In honor of the Games for Health conference, we're offering an early download of our Click to Speak software for public perusal.  Our crack team of code minions are working on new features even now (loops!  variables!) so you'll probably want to wait for that before really going to town with it.  In particular, games saved with v. 1.71 will likely not be compatable with future versions of the tools.  That being said, it does work, so feel free to play around.

Questions?  Feedback?  Bugs?  Contact


Installation instructions for the two applications are here.

A beginner's guide to using the editor is here.

A sample dialogue tree can be found here.

The list of known issues with the current version is here.

About Click to Speak

Click to Speak is a tool for building and running a dialogue-based game. It comes in two parts: the an editor, TextEditor3, and the game, ClickToSpeak. TextEditor3 allows you to construct a dialogue tree of textual lines and audio files, and ClickToSpeak runs the game based on the dialogue tree.

The game works as follows: There is a PC and an NPC. The player gets one button to pushis presented with a push button. While the NPC is talking, the player may push that the button at any time to interrupt the NPC with a response. Depending on when the button is pushed, the PC will respond in with different ways dialogue to what the NPC just said.
