Josh Hodosh <jo21979@mit.edu>, Philip Marquardt <ph22824@mit.edu>, Michael Specter <mi22536@mit.edu>, Frank Moda <fr21205@mit.edu>: Examine the security of NFC in Android mobile phones with respect to the digital wallet. Exploit any potential vulnerabilities and offer mitigation techniques.
Madars Virza <madars@mit.edu>: I would like to add a polymorphic backend to LLVM, which could be used to generate deeply watermarked code. Alternatively I would like to work on the PKI problem by implementing additional kinds of notaries for Convergence like SSL Observatory-based notary (currently there is only a perspectives-type notary).Frank Moda <fr21205@mit.edu>: I am potentially interested in implementing single-signon protocols in zoobar, using Resin taint-tracking in zoobar, or perhaps a security related project in Android (looking for group with more specific idea).
Mikhail Kazdagli <kazdagli@mit.edu>: I'd like to use IntelPIN's binary instrumentation to implement emulation mechanism for unmodified binaries. This feature should allow to analyze dynamic behavior of x86 code, and if it reveals suspicious behavior, this security system should block its execution.