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1. Draft message describing new system for Steve to send to all-lib? ps-lib?. - (First draft by ~May 15, Remlee)

  • Make it clear that everyone who answers any questions from the public should be involved (or however we want to clarify that).
  • Keep it brief, so that people will read it.
    • Instead of recording statistics every day, we will be doing recording them four weeks out of the year
    • The 4 weeks will be (x,x,x,x)
    • Remember to record all transactions, whether they happen at the desk or away.
    • A reminder of the difference between reference and other
    • Talk about potential for "other" surveys by committees and divisional libraries. (RISG to talk about coordination of these efforts at May 20th meeting)

2. Make a web / wiki page describing the new system. - Heather & Bill

Reference Statistics Policy 2010

  • Is that title too formal? - I think you could go simpler: Reference Statistics Policy, or something like that, with a date DONE
  • Link off of RISG page, where?  - We could link off RISG page, but I think we should somehow highlight it from the staff web pages. Right now, there is this:
  • Send link with email to all-lib
    * Include attached .pdf of ref statistics sheet.
  • What is going to go here? Same wording as email? - Perhaps use the current page on the staff web as an example?

3. Meet with Steve and Jess to figure out logistics.

Monday, May 4th, 2-3 pm in the Hayden Conference Room - Thank you, Remlee!

For this meeting we will have prepared:

  • Definition of reference (I'm pretty sure that I missed something about this that maybe came up at the PSLG meeting? Where does this fit in to reference statistics? Does it have to do with whether a question is reference or other or who should be recording statistics?) - Mostly following the RUSA guidelines but replace the word consultation with transaction.
  • A rough timeline of how we plan to roll out the policy (when & how we'll publicize, etc.) Heather started; Bill will take a look at this and see if additions or changes need to be made.
  • Some ideas for whether the reference statistics sheet needs to change at all? Heather - Incorporate definition of reference to the sheet?
  • Discuss which weeks we will sample? It was suggested that Steve picked these before and would likely be willing to continue to pick them. I like that idea. We could possibly make some recommendations, don't bridge two months, yada, yada.
    Bill is going to look at online random number generators.
  • Our audience will be all-lib as there are people outside of ps-lib who handle reference questions. Include a note that says, "think this doesn't apply to you? Think again." Include example ref transactions. Craft 2 different message? Ask Steve. What are the boundaries, what are we trying to capture.
  • Talk to Jess about reporting structure. What do people without reference coordinators do? Who do they give their sheets to? Send to Jess directly?
    Print or electronic? Both?
  • Who will answer questions about the reference statics process after the launch? (Particularly for people that don't have a reference coordinator.)
  • Need to think about who will coordinate "special studies" being taken at other times of year? Wait until after re-org?


Target lists (Lisa) -
PS-Lib + targeted list. Look at PS-Lib list and see who is on it. A lot of the targeted people may be on the list already.
Look at staff list by department.

Libstaff website (Bill will identify, Jess will update .html) -
Statistics page on website. Make sure links and information are updated.

4. Publicize the new model email, personal communication within local units

  • Make timelines for reminding people to keep statistics
    • Timeline for FY 2009 and lead in to sampling method
    • Timeline for FY 2010 to send reminders that sample weeks are coming and how to find stats sheets.
  • Remind them how to distinguish whether a question is "reference" or "other"
  • Send wiki link with correspondence

*5 Extra refstats data gather or the "other" surveys


6. DONE! Decide which definition of reference to use. - I'm thinking we probably want to know this (or have a good sense of where we are,) by the meeting with Steve, May 4.

Definition of Reference for the purpose of the MIT Libraries
