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 To do's:
  •  Midiprep (from freezer)
    •  S9TEV
    •  B15T15
  •  Golden Gate
    •  B9T9
    •  B15T9
  •  LR
    •  hEF1a-CuO:Gmab H
    •  hEF1a-CuO:Gmab L
    •  hEF1a-CuO:CD79A
    •  hEF1a-CuO:CD79B
    •  hEF1a-CuO:Lyn
  •  Digest all of the Syk-TEVp and Syk-tTEVp midis just to be sure (since there's an internal cut site that didn't get read in sequencing)

Sequencing account information:

^^^Pass: grapefruit



Experimental Progress:

Cloning Progress
Parts Tree
Cloning Strategy
Linker Optimization
Antibody Choices 


Useful Links: 

Immediate To Do's:
titleLinker optimization
TaskClaimed byDate CompletedOther Notes
CD79A/B, Gal4VP16, RFP PCR try3CRApr 10


Gel verification of try3 PCR productLAApr 10RFP and Gal4 worked, CD79s didn't - we probably need to redesign primers
Redesign primersLA + CRApr 11CD79A F and R and CD79B F primers were redesigned and ordered
AarI golden gate of CD79A constructLAApr 30 
Take out CD79A golden gate platesLAMay 2 

Make LB

CRMay 4 

CD79A golden gate liquid cultures

LAMay 4

Cultures in at 6pm - need to be taken out by 10/11 am May 5

in 215 shaking incubator

Take out CD79A golden gate liquid culturesLAMay 5In 4C

CD79A golden gate minipreps

LAMay 6In yellow rack in 4C - need to be nanodropped

CD79A golden gate restriction verification

CRMay 6Some promising constructs
Send promising CD79A golden gates for sequencing   
  • CD79A linker golden gates
Redesign CD79B reverse PCR primerCRMay 24 
titleVariable region construction
TaskClaimed byDate CompletedOther Notes
Order primers for PCRing constant region  primers on geneious

Christian is Confused so he is using this to do list

    Sequence hEF1a: CD79A - pTet: RFP - Gal4VP16
    PCR CD79B with F3 and R3 primers
    Write Experiment outline
    Apply for SynBerc and BDAC
    Establish HEK293 Cell Line
    Establish Cryostocks of Gmab H, Gmab L, Syk-TEV, Lyn-TEV, CD79A, CD79B, CD79A-G4, CD79B-G4, hEF1a: CD79A - pTet: RFP - Gal4VP16
    Plan Lyn and Syk Experiment


## Digest tTEVp and TEVp midis just to be sure (since there's an internal cut site)

Non-Lab To Do's 
  •  Bug Brian about ordering antibody testing supplies
Higher Level To Do's:
  •  Finish Discussing Figures for Experiment list Decide on other antigen-variable regions we want to test  Syk-Lyn experiment design 
  •  Receptor dilution experiment design
  •  Other experimental planning
  •  Is gantenerumab proprietary and can we actually publish with it?